Friday, January 25, 2008

What is it that they want?

I am currently putting together the procedures for the Fountain of Youth Program and I have decided to do it built around what my focus group wants.

It completely makes sense to do this, I know, but what do they want?

I have put a lot of calls out to some people that fit my ideal profile, but have not received any contact yet. So I am left to guess at this time. Here is my list...

What they want?

  • a supportive relationship
  • to be listened to
  • to be loved and appreciated
  • to feel valued
  • hope
  • to feel good about themselves
  • to know that they made a great choice to use our services
  • more energy
  • feel good
  • to know they are getting results
  • understand the process
Of course, there is no real way to know the answer to this without actually surveying people, but here is my working list.

I think that these are things that pretty much anyone would want.

1 comment:

dammitlyndi said...

If you think about it, that is really true. Most people will tell you about there day even if you don't ask. Most people want to talk and be heard.