Really, the idea is cool, I can help a lot of people with it, and I can wrap my mind around it and be grateful. This is the first step, really define how you want it to look. Once you really get it down and are very clear, then write the "why." Why do you want it? What is your motivation? This is the fuel to the fire. You will be referring to this often in the process of achieving your dream. Finally, the last part of this first step is to write down your target date of completion. When can you create it by? When do you want it by?
By now, you should be very excited. If you are not, look at it again. Is it really something that you want to do or become? If there is no enthusiasm after the first step, there is no need to go on to step 2. Go back and find something that jazzes you and makes you jump out of bed in the morning excited to start your day.
Step 2: The planning.
This is where I am now. Yes, I am a bit overwhelmed, but I am focusing on the end result and the "why." Always start your planning (and your day) by looking at the answers in step one. This gives perspective. This gives you the drive to get past the overwhelm.
I started the planning by listing all of the people and things that I need in order to get my ideal vision to manifest. For example, for me it was...
Develop a consistent marketing machine
Build an outstanding team to deliver my vision
Create a revolutionary program that fills the needs of my clientele and make it turn-key
The next step is to break each of these into smaller and smaller steps (chunk it down). Then set the time lines like road marks along the way to achieving your main goal.
Step 3: Schedule.
Take each step and schedule it. Each day do at least 3 things that are taking you towards your goal.

Step 5: Trust, Visualize, Re-assess
Trust that you will there. You are taking steps everyday.
Visualize, read the why and feel what it is like to have it.
Re-asses your steps. Learn as you go.
Step 6: Celebrate!!
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