Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's Not Really Attraction, It's Art

Do you really attract things to you like magnets or do you transform what you experience?

This is the question that has begun to interest me as of late.

To me, the Universe is a wonderful canvas and your dreams, focus and feelings are your palette. Your dream is the vision of what you want to create. Your focus is the brush choice. Your feelings are the colors. Your actions make it happen.

The Universe has within it every possibility. Anything you can dream, you can create.

Have you heard this quote?

"Everything that can be invented has been invented."
- Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Patent Office, 1899

Once you believe that something cannot be done or more cannot be invented, history will mark you down as a fool. (You can quote me on that).

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
— Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment, in 1977.

The point here is that the Universe is boundless. Everything is possible. Just follow the artist's code.

  1. Decide what you want to create.

  2. Visualize it as if it were complete.

  3. Internalize the motivation. Feel what it will be like with it complete.

  4. Take focused action and don't stop until it is done.

  5. Special note: Stay open to the possibility of something even better coming out of your dream.

"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication."
— William Orton, president of Western Union, in 1876, when Alexander Graham Bell tried to sell the company his invention.

Take some time now to decide what you really want. Next, follow the steps and allow it to happen.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Pursuit of Happiness

"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..." This famous phrase from the U.S. Declaration of Independence has made me pause. How does one pursue happiness? More importantly, how does one achieve happiness?

First of all, let's look at what happiness is. According to Webster's Dictionary, happiness is...

1. State of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
2. Emotions experienced when in a state of well-being.

Wow, that didn't really help much, did it?

Let's look up well-being.

Well-being - The state of being healthy, happy, or prosperous.

So, I guess that happiness is the emotions experienced when you are healthy, happy, or prosperous.

At this time, let's focus on the happy part. (Mind out of the gutter please). How do you get truly happy?

I looked through quite a few quotes to find some inspiration. Here is what Brother David Steindl-Rast has to say...

"Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more."

I believe that Brother David has the key to happiness laid out perfectly for us here. You must be fully grateful for your present and your past to be truly filled with happiness.

This brings up another interesting thought... If you are totally happy and fully content, why would you want to do anything else? Would you become a slug?

By the way, before we get to that, there are two kinds of things that bring happiness. (I am changing focus from outside in for the moment and then we'll go back to inside out). There is the thing that makes us happy.

1. Those things that make us happy that are not really good for us. This would be our bad habits (i.e. alcohol, spending, gambling, smoking, etc.) They make you feel good, but they are not really good for you.

2. Those things that make us happy that are good for us. These may be a compliment, a hug from a loved one, a smile, accomplishing a goal, etc. They make you feel good and they are good for you.

Okay, back to what motivates you when you are totally happy...

It is true, unhappiness is a great motivator. This is about avoiding pain. How do I no longer experience unhappiness? The down side to this type of motivation is that it creates a roller coaster effect. For instance, I feel unhappy so I do something to avoid this unhappiness. I find contentment until I am unhappy again. Repeat.

Another motivator is purpose. This is the pleasure driven motivator. Can you see how this type of motivation allows you to be happy and still move forward? I am happy. How can I create more happiness in the world?

Here is how James Openheim describes this...

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet."

In summary, the pursuit of happiness is being truly happy through the practice of gratitude while unfolding your purpose (displaying your natural gift) onto the world.

I'll end with this Benjamin Franklin quote.

"The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself."

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Listen to Your Body

Symptoms are your bodies way of telling you that something has to change.

A few months back, one of my clients was having a really hard time. He was having an anxiety attack and depression. He was desperate for help.

We worked together for quite a while. I adjusted him and I did some emotional work in an attempt to give him some relief. My patients were starting to back up, so I had him go for a walk and come back. I knew we had more to do.

When he came back, we sat down to have a chat. I told him about when I had anxiety attacks.

Here is my story in a nutshell.

Many years ago, I was having anxiety attacks and they were getting progressively worse. I remember driving in the car with my family and having crazy thoughts of dying, my car rolling, my wife being killed and my dogs getting lost on the freeways. After dinner every night I would need to go for a walk to calm my feelings of impending death. It was bad. I had pain and pressure in my chest that I just knew was my heart failing.

I had been checked out by a medical doctor. I was getting regular adjustments. I was taking all kinds of supplements. Nothing was working to alleviate my symptoms.

One night after dinner and my walk, it kept getting worse. I walked some more. I tried to focus on something else. Nothing calmed it. I woke up my wife, Barbara, and had her call 911.

The fire department came with the paramedics. I remember sitting on the edge of the fire truck with the sticky pads stuck to my chest as they ran the EKG. I remember the fear I was under. Mostly, however, I remember Barbara standing with a neighbor's arm around her as she watched me and cried.

That was my bottom.

I made a decision. Something had to change.

I started by assessing my bad habits, the toxins that I kept putting into my body, and right then elected to quit them. I started an exercise program, began daily affirmations and addressed other areas of my lifestyle. My anxiety went away and never came back.

I asked my patient, "Are there any toxins in your life that you know you should let go of?" He said, "Yes" and committed to quit.

He then asked me, "Can you please do something about this anxiety I am feeling now?"

I asked him, "If I waved a magic wand and took this pain you are feeling away right now, would you quit?"

He said, "No."

He quit drinking that night and now, he looks great. His anxiety is gone. He has a new outlook on life.

Our symptoms are our body's way of getting our attention. Numbing these messages out or ignoring them can lead to more serious consequences.

Listen to your body. It will save your life.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Focus on the Heaven

Recently, the subject of heaven and hell has crept up in my life again. Have you ever though about it? Most of us have. The subject fascinates me so sit back and enjoy a perspective on the subject...

I believe that there is heaven and I believe that there is hell. What makes my understanding a little different than most is that I do not feel that it is something that we have to wait until we die to experience.

Heaven and hell are all around us all of the time. I believe that it is represented by what we choose to focus on. We determine if we are experiencing heaven or hell in every single moment.I came to this understanding by really looking at the Lord's Prayer. The part about "on Earth as it is in Heaven" really stimulated my thoughts. I asked myself, "Is it possible to create heaven right now, here on Earth?" "How does one create Earth as it is in Heaven?"

Some clues started to reveal themselves when I looked at science. There were a couple of discoveries in science that freaked out the whole scientific community.

Do you remember high school science class? We learned that light was both a wave and a particle. That was about as far as it went. What they did not tell you is this... light is a particle or a wave depending on what you are measuring. If you want to measure it as a wave, it shows up as a wave. If you want to measure it as a particle, it shows up as a particle. Trippy.

So, light is either a particle or a wave depending on what we expect it to be.
You might be wondering what this has to do with heaven or hell. We'll get to that.

Another amazing discovery in science was the theory of relativity. You know, E = MC (squared). Get this, E is energy. M is matter. C is the speed of light (a constant). What this equation says is that energy and matter are the same. To be completely clear, there is a whole bunch of energy in a little bit of matter.

Just think about this. Everything that you touch or see as reality is energy and a little bit of matter. In fact, as you look at smaller and smaller units of matter, it all becomes just energy.

Here is what Einstein said about reality. "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

The point of stating these scientific discoveries is this. What they show is that two things can exist in the same place at the same time. It is you that determines which is perceived. You must be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with heaven or hell?"

Here we go. I believe that heaven and hell exist simultaneously, in the same space, like energy and matter. You determine whether you are experiencing heaven or you are experiencing hell. The existence of heaven or hell is determined by your perspective.

Try this.

Write down something bad that is happening in your life. (I'll do an example here, this is my example so please do not judge me. Make up your own...)

The Iraq War

Now write down every possible bad thing that there is about it.

People are dying, gas prices are going up, there doesn't seem to be an end, the country is split, there is a lot of hate, we have become an even bigger target for terrorism, etc.

Next, write an equal number of good things that can come from it.

America will come out of this with more tolerance, we will learn to think before we react, we will learn that an eye for an eye is not always a good strategy, I am learning the importance of knowing what the outcome is before I start something, I am more grateful for my freedom, people are moving towards alternative fuel sources, etc.

If you notice, both these perspectives are true (to me). If I choose to focus on all of the first set, I am seeing things more as hell. If I choose to focus on the second set, I see things more heavenly.

Where do you tend to focus?Here is another Einstein quote, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Start looking for heaven in everything. It is there if you seek it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Laugh It Up!

This morning I was hanging out with Evan. I saw her look at one of her plastic play cups that I had put her little stuffed fish into. She started laughing at this discovery. I laughed too.

The other day Barbara and I were going for a ride in the car with Evan. I heard Evan start clapping in the back seat and asked Barbara what she was clapping about. Barbara said that she just does that sometimes.

Marcel Proust said, "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."

I am truly grateful for my little girl.

This little blog entry is about joy and laughter.

I was listening to Robin Sharma the other day and he shared a striking bit of information.

The average 4 year old laughs 300 times per day.
The average adult laughs 15 times per day.

Wow! Can you imagine?

When was the last time you laughed? When was the last time you laughed so hard tears ran down your face? Do you remember laughing so hard as a teenager that milk came out of your nose? Then you and everyone around you laughed even more.

According to Robin Sharma, comedian Steve Martin laughs in front of the mirror for 5 minutes every morning. He says that it gets him in the right frame of mind and gets the creative juices flowing.

In China they say, one who has not laughed today has not lived today.

"The more you laugh, the more you live."
- Robin Sharma

Laughter and joy have also healed people.

"Norman Cousins (1915 to 1990), longtime editor of the Saturday Review, global peacemaker, receiver of hundreds of awards including the UN Peace Medal and nearly fifty honorary doctorate degrees, overcame a life threatening disease and a massive coronary, each time using his own nutritional and emotional support protocol.Cousin’s seminal book ”Anatomy of an Illness” details his healing journey overcoming ankylosing spondylitis (a degenerative disease causing the breakdown of collagen). Given up to die within a few months in 1965, almost completely paralyzed, Cousins checked out of the hospital, moved into a hotel room and began taking extremely high doses of vitamin C while exposing himself to a continuous stream of humorous films and similar "laughing matter". His condition steadily improved and Cousins regained the use of his limbs until he was able to return to his full-time job at the Saturday Review." - from

Norman Cousins' case was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1979. Since this time, scientist have confirmed that laughter boosts energy and creativity levels, and also promotes a sense of well-being. Laughing releases neurochemicals in your brain that lead to feelings of relaxation and happiness.

"May laughter fill your home, relieve your stress, and strengthen your friendships. Do not let a day go buy without laughing; it is good for your health." Catherine Pulsifer, from Seven Gifts To Give To A Friend

So laugh it up! Life can be a lot of fun. : )

Friday, April 18, 2008

Our Little Artist

This is Evan.

She is my daughter.

The other day, my wife and I took her to an art show. It was interactive and had an area for making some art.

Here she is. Isn't she cute?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Restoring My Ignorance

I am rethinking things...

There are two things that just happened today that have caused me to pause. Here is the first...

If you do not know, this is Evan. She is my 13 month old daughter. Notice how children take risks without even thinking about it. They just do it in their joy of exploration.

Oh, and notice how happy she is.

Now, here is the second thing...

I came across this quote today.

"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

Evan is the epitome of this quote. She doesn't know any better and she is going for it. Did I mention how happy she looks?

So here I am, contemplating. How do I restore my ignorance? How do I confidently move forward without much thought?

Do you know what kills ignorance? Thinking you know it all. Another way of putting this might be a fear of not knowing. A fear of the unknown.

We think we know so much. It is this knowing that keeps us trapped and unable to explore.

Do you know what fuels ignorance? Curiosity. You must be in a state of ignorance in order to develop curiosity. If you think that you already know, why be curious?

Here is an example of ignorance being stifled... "Curiosity killed the cat." How often have you heard that? Think of the fear of that. If you are curious, you will die. Just like kitty.

Look at Evan's face. Go ahead. Click on the picture and blow it up. Do you see the joy that ignorance and confidence brings? How sad it would have been if my wife, Barbara, had stopped her and said, "No! You might get hurt." But she didn't.

In actuality, she helped make it safer by watching her closely and then she grabbed the camera (no calls to child services please).

So go on. Be ignorant! Be confident! Find the joy in this wonderful combination once again.

Clutter, Clutter Everywhere

It is finally Spring. Time for the inevitable Spring Cleaning. Yeah!

Let's talk about what Spring Cleaning is really all about... Namely tolerations.

Tolerations are those little things that bug you, just a little bit, and you tolerate them. Here are some examples (from my office)...

* cluttered desk
* stuffed desk drawer
* unopened mail
* cover missing on a plug
* scuff mark on the wall
* yellow spots on the ceiling tile
* dust
* wires under the desk
* files not filed
* my waistline is a little big

Get the picture? I could keep going.

We all have tolerations. We try to ignore them. We fool ourselves into thinking that we don't notice them or they don't bug us. But alas, they are sucking away at our energy.

I once heard tolerations described like this. Imagine that you are trudging through the Amazon jungle and you come to a stream. You hop in and cross. On the other side you discover that you are covered with leaches. You continue onward. Then what happens?

You don't notice anything for a while. Then you start getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly, you collapse.

You see, each leach by itself is not sipping much of your blood. As a group, however, they are draining you dry.

This is what tolerations do to you energetically. Each one sucks a little from you every moment of every day. So let's set you free!

If you really want to open the flows of energy and transform your life, you must handle your tolerations. Here's how...
  1. Make a list - Go around and list all of the things that you are tolerating. You will be amazed at how big this list gets.
  2. Put the list away for a week - Don't worry, it will be there later.

  3. Pull out the list - Cross off all of the tolerations that have somehow magically been handled already. This may surprise you.

  4. Put a plan together to eliminate the tolerations that are left on the list - Delegate what you can and schedule the rest.

  5. Take action - Get to it
You are going to feel better and become much more productive. The flows of the Universe will open up again. You will be free!

I recommend doing this practice at least 4 times a year. Anytime that you notice business drop a little or grumpiness at home, check your tolerations. It will change your life.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Remember You're Having Fun

Recently, I forgot something. In fact, it was something very important to the enjoyment of life. I forgot that I was having fun.

I forgot that I am doing what I love to do.

I forgot how blessed I am.

Have you ever forgotten that life is fun? What happened?

If you are like me, you got depressed. You got grumpy. You felt like running away.

Do you ever get like that?

What is your strategy for breaking free of that feeling?

Here is what I do (in no particular order)...

  • Check my food - What am I eating. If I am eating a lot of sugar or bread, or I am missing taking my vitamins, I am probably going to forget that I am having fun.
  • Check my "what I like" list - Here is a link to my list. Do you have a list? Make one. It was really good to check my list. I actually added to it. Then I scheduled a day trip with my family.
  • Check my gratitude. Have I been being grateful? Have I looked at all that I am grateful for in life? Have you looked at your life for all that you are grateful for?
After doing these things, my attitude shifted. I came to realize that I am doing what I love to do. I started to recognize the joy and fun in my life again. I understood that life is a marathon and not a sprint. It is up to me whether I enjoy the jog or not.

I hope that this helped at least one of you. I highly recommend writing the "what I like list" for yourself. Also, I have some classes coming up about blood sugar and vitamins. Make a point to be there.

Happy re-realized and appreciative again, Dr. Dale.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How cool is it to be

I was thinking this morning about how cool it is to be. When you think about it, it is a really great gift that we have been given. I mean, you can be anything. Anything!

This is one thing that we get to decide. We hear it growing up... What do you want to be when you get older? We ask ourselves when we are older... Who am I?

Do we ever really answer the question? Do we ever really get clear on who we are? Who we be?

I believe that this is where a lot of emotional pain comes from. We just don't get clear on who we are. We search for ways to define ourselves, but never look within. We listen to others and give them the power to answer this most important question. We try to define ourselves based on what we do or our profession.

I am a chiropractor.
I am a father.
I am a carpenter.

Who are you really?

What part of the play of life are you here to play?

I think that we get fearful of the bigness of the part that we are to play. We all get butterflies as we are about to step up onto the stage.

Here is what I have determined is my be. Who am I?

I notice within myself that sharing this is somewhat personal and a little scary. Here it goes anyway...

I am a messenger of God. My beingness is that of a channel of Truth and Understanding. I bring forth Clarity. Before you go running to the hills yelling about what a crazy person Dr. Dale is, consider this... Aren't we all messengers of God? We probably are not all here to bring Understanding and Clarity. In fact, I think that a lot of us may be here to challenge Understanding and Truth.

Either way, we are here to sing our special voice into the world. We are here to expand, grow and experience. We are here to dance our dance. We are here to express all of the goodness from within out into the world. We are here to perceive the Beauty in everything and everyone and share the Light. I like that ... perceive the Beauty and share the Light.

I am a perceiver of the Beauty and a sharer of the Light. Run for the hills!! : )

Monday, April 7, 2008

New Disc Golf Best

Many of you may not know this, but I really enjoy playing disc golf. Yes, there is such a thing. there is a professional organization (PDGA), there is a professional tour, and there are courses set up all over the world.

Well, the course that I have been playing lately is the one in Pasadena. What is really neat about this course is that it is the first course ever.

Now for my firsts...
I was playing on Sunday with a buddy, Ken Brown, and I threw a 9 under. This was my best score so far and I was jazzed. During the round I had 11 birdies and 2 boggies. I birdied 2 holes that I had never birdied before. And during the round I threw 6 birdies in a row.

Here are some things that I learned about myself...

One of the techniques that I used to help myself stay present was to clap my hands and think or say out loud, "Let go of the past." This actually worked very well.

Another thing that I found very interesting was that when I was at 7 under with 3 holes left, I was feeling nervous. All I had to do at that time was throw pars and I would get my personal course best, but I actually felt the nervousness. Huh!

I get anxious at the dawn of success. Something to notice.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Secret to Giving Your Child the Winning Edge

You may not realize this yet, but your about to learn a secret that will give your child a huge advantage in life. If you are like me, you want to give your child the absolute best opportunity to excel. You want to give them the winning edge. By the time you finish this article, you will know one of the most powerful secrets to do just that.

As you read, you will learn from some of the top athletes in the world as they share how utilizing this secret has increased their performance and extended their careers. In other words, you will learn what has given them the edge.

This secret is going to blow your mind.

My wife and I have utilized this secret with my daughter ever since she was born. She just turned one year old and people have always commented on her concentration and awareness. They have even described her as “special,” “so advanced” and “amazing.”

Here is something that you will probably never hear from a parent. My daughter isn’t “special” or “advanced” or even “amazing.” The truth is, she’s normal. But because most parents do not utilize this secret with their children, compared to other children, she is special, advanced and amazing. You’ll understand this soon enough as you keep reading.

How Kids Become Less Special and Less Amazing

Did you know that OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) recently released a study that said that by the time we are 13 years of age, we have had over 1000 traumas? Wow! 1000 traumas. Seems like a lot, huh? Almost unbelievable. Let’s explore this…

Did you know that the first major trauma in life is birth? Even in the best case scenario, it can cause incredible damage. In fact, in 1987, Dr. Gutmann, a German Manual Medicine Specialist, published a paper after he studied 1000 infants. What he concluded was that approximately 80% of all children are not in autonomic balance. What this means is that a large majority of our children are neurologically disadvantaged at the beginning of their life. In other words, their communications system is already out of balance.

Can you imagine? “Autonomic imbalance” is like having static in your phone line. You may be able to hear the communication, but you have to listen a lot harder with more effort. Yuck!

How else do we develop static in our communication system?

Did you know that 50% of our infants roll off of the changing table onto the floor?

According to Safe USA, “childhood falls account for an estimated 2 million Emergency Department visits each year.” Also, “in one year, approximately 7,000 children were sent to the hospital for falls from highchairs.”

Remember baby walkers? “Baby walker-related injuries resulted in more than 16,000 children receiving treatment in hospital emergency rooms.”

Now these are the major injuries that required emergency intervention. Just think of all of the injuries that our children go through that do not need emergency care. Remember, 1000 traumas before the age of 13.

Think about all of the falls and traumas that occurred while learning to crawl, learning to walk, roughhousing with other children, learning to ride a bike, sports or fights. Needless to say, you probably now understand how OSHA can state, “1000 traumas before the age of 13.”

Unfortunately, these traumas effect the communication system of the body. They add more static to the lines. As layers and layers of traumas happen, your child’s communication system, the Nerve System, is bombarded with signals from newly formed scar tissue and structural imbalance. This makes your child’s whole body less efficient. Do you remember learning in school how the your Nerve System runs everything? Now let’s get to the secret.

Understanding the Edge

You now understand that traumas to the body, especially the spine, creates static in the communication system. You now know that this static makes your nerve system work less efficiently. So, answer this question... Who has more of a winning edge, someone who is living life with an inefficient, static filled communication system or someone who has an efficient, clean communication system? You got it!

Wouldn’t it be amazing if your children had a clean, efficient communication system to work with? So, how do you keep your communication system efficient and clean, even though you start life with 1000 traumas? Let’s look at some of the superstars in sports that are already living at the winning edge.

What Is The Secret that Gives Sport Superstars the Winning Edge?

Many great sport stars have found the secret. It has helped them perform at high levels and extend their careers. Super achievers are always looking for that edge. These superstars in sports are going to share their secret in their own words. Their advantage can now be yours. While you read this, just imagine your child achieving like these superstars...

Tiger Woods, golfing superstar, said, “Being a chiropractor patient has really helped me immensely.” (Tiger Woods actually rode on the chiropractic centennial celebration float in the rose parade, 1995). He went on to say, "...lifting weights and seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis has made me a better golfer. I've been going to Chiropractors for as long as I can remember. It's as important to my training as practicing my swing.”

Seven Time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong said, “I could not have won without my chiropractor’s help.” His chiropractor road along with him throughout the Tour de France. He would work on Lance and his team every night.

Legendary Heavyweight Boxer Evander Holyfield said, “I have to have an adjustment before I go into the ring. I do believe in chiropractic. I found that going to a chiropractor three times a week helps my performance. The majority of boxers go to get that edge.” I have witnessed on several occasions Heavyweight Champ Lennox Lewis being adjusted before a fight.

Home run star Barry Bonds said, “I go to my chiropractor on a regular basis, because I want to prolong my career as long as possible.”

Decathlon Gold Medallist Dan O’Brien said, “If it were not for chiropractic, I would not have won the gold medal.”

LaDainian Tomlinson called to ask Emit Smith ,the NFL’s all-time leader in rushing yards, about his longevity, how he'd rushed for 1,000 yards for 10 straight seasons. Smith's advice? Massages on Monday and Friday and ''find a good chiropractor.''

Have you noticed yet that every one of these athletes is (or was) the absolute top in their field. They all used the secret, chiropractic care, that gives them the winning edge.

Exercise Physiologist Dr. Sean Atkins said, “I would estimate that in excess of 90% of all world-class athletes use Chiropractic care to prevent injuries and to increase their performance potential.”

Now you know the secret that will give your child the winning edge. In a moment, you’ll learn the most powerful research that will prove it to you once and for all.

The Best Research that Proves the Secret that Gives the Edge

Here is one of the best scientific studies that proves that chiropractic care gives you the winning edge. Just check this out...

At the University of California, Irvine, researchers came together to measuring brain activity. They placed a subject into a functional MRI and asked her to move her foot. They recorded and measured how much brain activity (effort) was required to move her foot. They took her out of the machine and gave her a chiropractic adjustment. They then placed her back into the machine and measured how much brain activity (effort) was required to move her foot after the adjustment.

The results: Everyone stared at the results in amazement. Just imagine the look on the researchers’ faces when they discovered that it took 1/20th the effort to move her foot after the adjustment! That’s incredible! The communication system working 20 times more efficiently after the adjustment. From what I heard, all of the Ph.D.’s researchers lined up to be adjusted after they realized the results. Now you know why so many top athletes rely on chiropractic care for improving performance.

More importantly, now you know why your children need regular chiropractic care to give them that winning edge.

With all of these top athletes saying how they use chiropractic and this incredible research, do you think that your kids nerve system should be checked by a chiropractor?

Now, I can almost hear your mind saying, “My kid doesn’t have a back problem.” Imagine experiencing 1000 traumas. The truth is, your kid doesn’t feel his or her spinal problem, yet.

Get your kids checked now! Give your kids the winning edge.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Developing Your Health Team

I wandered the vegetable section of our local store the other day and I ran into a friend from my business group. Her hair had changed so I barely recognized her and I of course commented that her hair looked different. "Really different." It was short, about a quarter inch long. Cut about as short as mine.

She jokingly said, "chemo haircut." I smiled that uncomfortable smile. The one you smile after you put your foot in your mouth. She said that she had been wearing a wig lately, but now she has "come out" and let everyone know that she had cancer.

I instantly wanted to help her even more than before. I had talked at our group before and she showed an interest in coming in. So I talked to her about this...

She said that she had been to a chiropractor "for the fun of it" and it felt great after being "cracked." She went on to say that she would go with her husband, who had the "back problems."

I let her know that usually when someone develops cancer it is the body's way of letting them know that something has to change. Cancer is an effect of something that they are doing and have been doing in life.

She said that she was eating better and exercising, but the stress levels haven't come down yet.

I explained that this is what chiropractic care is really great at. I said, "Do you remember when you went to the chiropractor "for the fun of it" and you felt great afterwards?" This is because you felt the stress levels drop.

She said that she would refer her husband to me.

After this conversation, I began to think about a few things. I do this after I realize that I did not get through to someone that I wanted to help. Here is the most important thing that I uncovered...

When one develops cancer, or any major disease, one usually surrounds themselves with a team of experts that specialize in helping to eliminate cancer and avoid cancer in the future. These are the cancer fighters. The anti-cancer team.

This is a team based in fear and avoidance. We don't want this or we want to get rid of this.

In my studies of the law of attraction, I see a flaw in this thinking. According to the law of attraction, what you think about the most comes about. How can anyone get rid of something that they are focused on with a lot of emotion?

I know what you are thinking, but it's "I don't want cancer. I am thinking about not wanting cancer."

Here is the sucky part about the law of attraction... Not wanting something attracts the same as wanting something. When you put a "I don't want it" vibration into the Universe. The Universe, wanting to give you everything you ask for, brings to you more opportunities to "not want" the something you don't want. You may want to read that a few times and let it sink in.

Here's my point. I completely understand why someone would want to surround themselves with a team of people who are expert in fighting something. However, it is really important to also have a team of health experts that help you to focus on your health future.

When someone comes to me, it is my purpose to help them to shift their focus towards developing health. In shifting this focus and helping them to get excited about this new direction that they are traveling, they transform. Here is a truth... The vibration of disease does not resonate with the vibration of health.

Notice the difference in these statements...

I want to avoid cancer and heart disease. I want to experience new levels of health from now to past 100.

I just don't want to be sick. I want to experience incredible energy and stamina.

I just don't want to be ugly. I want to be beautiful.

I just don't want to be poor. I want to be rich.

Get it?

I am very blessed to have a handful of clients who understand this point. They utilize my expertise as a health expert and allow me to guide them to habits that serve their health development.

Sure, I still work with the majority of clientèle that is focused on relief. However, I do my best to nudge them towards health development as opposed to symptomatic relief.

Would you rather be motivated by desperation or inspiration?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Living a Life of Meaning

Tonight I am hosting a talk on Living a Life of Meaning. I honestly am not sure what I am going to talk about, but I thought that I would work it out on my blog. So, here we go...

Let's look at the definition...

Something that is conveyed or signified; sense or significance.

Something that one wishes to convey, especially by language.

An interpreted goal, intent, or end.
Inner significance.

How I am now reading this is that living a life of meaning is living a life of Inner Significance.

The question is, How do you develop inner significance? How does one feel inner significance? Where does inner significance come from?

This is obviously a personal thing. It will be different for everyone.

“There is not one big cosmic meaning for all, there is only the meaning we each give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot, like an individual novel, a book for each person.”

Anais Nin
Okay, now how do we know our meaning (perspective) is significant?

“The only significance of life consists in helping to establish the kingdom of God; and this can be done only by means of the acknowledgment and profession of the truth by each one of us.”

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
I'm starting to get it. Significance comes from our truth. Our truth. In order for us to live a life of meaning, we must know our truth and express that truth onto the world. This leads to the questions, Who are you really? What is your truth?

Another quote comes to mind...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most.

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?'

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us.

And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Maryanne Williamson

This quote always inspires me. Do you know why it may be inspiring to you, as well? It holds the answer to living a life of meaning. We all want to live a life of meaning. It is what we are innately drawn to.

"We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us... We let our own light shine."

So, living a life of meaning, a life of inner significance, is about bringing forth the glory of God that is within us. It is about shining that which we are from within.

It is that feeling that we are not shining who we are that creates a great deal of stress in our lives. It
is living someone else's idea of who we should be that creates a lot of stress in our lives. It is when we go against who we really are that we hurt ourselves.

Does an oak tree try to be anything else but an oak tree? No. It is true to itself.

Does it try to be anything the oak tree that it is or compare itself with other trees? No. It is happy expressing itself. It is content with the life that it leads.

So, a life of meaning comes from knowing ourselves and expressing ourselves. Shining who we really are.

"How do I do this?," you may ask. Ah. This is the most important question. How do you know yourself? What is your purpose?

First, what is your purpose? Here we go... Your purpose is whatever you want it to be. Find something you are passionate about and go for it!

Next, how do you know yourself? You can know yourself by knowing your purpose. If you are pursuing your purpose with passion and joy, you are on the right track. (By the way, there is no wrong track). This passion and joy is you shining. You are meant to shine.

Living a life of meaning is you living in passion and joy. This adds great significance to the world because you are leading the way. Can you imagine a world filled with people living in passion and joy?

I can only imagine that that is what heaven really is.

Monday, March 24, 2008

My little girl

Wow! Evan is becoming a little girl.

If you actually blow up this picture by clicking on it, you will see what I mean. You can actually see her as a little girl.

What a great kid!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Evan's First Trip to the BIG City

We went to the LA library on Thursday.

Evan loved the fountains out front. They attract a lot of birds and they sound nice, too.

I really forgot how beautiful the LA library is. Wow!

And lots and lots of books for Evan to pull off the shelves. Woo hoo!

Evan Dances!

She dances!

She also sticks her tongue out. This is a habit she unfortunately inherited from me.

She likes rock music most of all. Whenever music comes on, she dances. Very cool and very cute!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Amazing - Form Follows Energy - Proven

You are amazing!

Before you were born, before you were even fertilized, you were telling the Universe exactly how you would become a human being. You expressed an electrical field of the shape that you would become even before conception. The blueprint of what you would grow into was already set into motion. Form followed energy. Amazing!

In the 1930's, Harold Burr, a neuro-anatomist at Yale, measured the electrical field around an unfertilized salamander egg and found that it was shaped like a mature salamander. As if a blueprint for the adult was already in the eggs energy field. The electrical axis that would later become the brain and the spinal cord was already there in the unfertilized egg as measured by a vacuum tube voltmeter.

Form follows energy. Thoughts become things. You still project your energy field out into the universe. This energy filed is the template of what you are creating. As you hold your thoughts and emotions on what it is that you want, an energy field extends out into the universe. Eventually, it takes form and becomes. Your intention manifests.

This works perfectly and cleanly, as long as there is no interference. Imagine how wonderful to cleanly manifest all that you want. Realize how tough it is when th is interference.

Here is an example of interference. Do you remember thalidomide? Medical doctors prescribed this drug to help moms to be cope with morning sickness better. Unfortunately, they did not realize that it was interfering with the developing fetus. Many of the babies did not make it. They died. Others came out with malformed arms and/or legs. Interference can alter your electrical projection and hence alter your physical world.

The new technique that I am using helps to remove interference in this energy field. It gives you clarity and focus. The more clear and focused your energy field is, the more miraculous your life becomes. Sign up for an appointment today and experience the power that you posses.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Get What You Want, Now!

New Technique Changing Lives One "Click" at a Time

Imagine getting a picture of what you want in your mind and having it
almost magically come to you. This is really how it is meant to be, once you are ready to allow it into your life. How do you streamline this allowing so it opens up almost like turning on a fire hose?

We'll get to that. But first, you're about to understand the way "it" works.

You are living your life in a trance. We all do. This trance is based on our beliefs and ideas of how things are. It actually becomes a neurological pattern that we are locked into. Yoram Wind and Colin Crook call it a "Mental Model" in their book, The Power of Impossible Thinking. Sorry to break this news to you, but now that you know, you can break free of it. Read on.

You have decided that you want something. You get a clear picture and you hold it up to your "Mental Model." In order for you to get what you want, you must shift your mental model to allow it to come into your life. Guess which system of the body holds your mental model? That's right, your nerve system. More on that soon. First, let's go over what usually shifts your mental model.

Someone once said that we shift because of the people we meet and the books we read. I believe this (plus one more that's coming). So we attract to us the people and the books necessary for us to have the opportunity to shift out of our trance or mental model and create the right frame of mind to allow us to have what we want. Here is where it gets really interesting.

The theory of how "it" works that will transform your life.

You decide you want something. You get a clear picture and feeling of what you want as if you already have it. Your mind holds this picture or structure up against your current mental model. If it fits within the frame of your current mental model, you get what you want really fast. However, if it does not fit, your mental model must shift to allow it to manifest. How, you might wonder?

Here's the magic.

This incongruency between your wanted picture and the mental model that you are working with creates an energy. This energy is like a magnet to the Universe and attracts exactly what you need to shift your Mental Model. In other words, the people and the books you need to cause you to change and become aligned with what you want are attracted to you. Now for the surprise.

Another word for this "energy" is SUBLUXATION.

One of the techniques that we now offer in the office is designed to shift your mental model by accessing this energy and dispelling it. What this means is that you no longer have to go through the time (and sometimes pain) of attract the people and books to shift you. The adjustment shifts your mental model to align with what you want. What you want then is attracted more easily towards you, and you allow it to come in. Like magic!

Now is a good time to pick up the phone and make an appointment.

Just imagine, you focus on what you want and as you are adjusted, you instantly shift to allow it to come into your life. How cool! Life transformation at the click of an instrument. Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

3 Big Lies That Are Holding Your Health Hostage

As you read every word in this post, you will be amazed at the crazy stuff we buy into that is just not true. You may even get upset. But won't it be great to understand this so you can do something about it?

Just think about it, in just a few minutes, you will know the 3 biggest lies that are holding your health hostage!

So let's get to it.

The first big lie: Your genes are responsible for your health.

If you're thinking, "Well of course that's true," you know that even a smart person like yourself can be led by false information. Let me explain...

Several years ago we were told that 75% of all diseases are genetically based. Now, a recent Harvard study says it's 25%. I am sure that eventually it will be down to 3% or so. This is why...

When you look at genes and study them, you will find that they have not changed much in 40,000 years. That's a long time. Really think about it; your genes are perfect. They are responding to your environment to either produce health and healing in your body or help you survive a threat.

The question is, "Did the hunter-gatherers of 40,000 years ago develop heart disease, diabetes and cancer?" The answer is, no, no and very rarely. If the Hunter-Gatherer did not die early from trauma, they lived a long, healthy, productive life.

The Truth:
You do not get sick because of your genes. Even if your mother had cancer and your sister had cancer, it does not mean that you will have cancer. Even if your grandfather and father died of a heart attack, it does not mean that you will die of a heart attack.

The second big lie: You're sick because you are unlucky.

I remember paging through a Physician's Desk Reference book while I was in chiropractic school. You know, this is the book that has every disease known to man in it. The thing that was amazing is that there is very rarely a known cause of a disease. In fact, they have a fancy name for this: idiopathic. Isaac Asimov called idiopathic "A high-flow term to conceal ignorance." In the television show House, the lead character remarks that the word "comes from the Latin, meaning 'we're idiots, because we don't know what's causing it.'"

The Truth:
You do not get sick because you are unlucky. Just because they don't know what caused a disease does not mean that you are just unlucky.

The third big lie: Don't worry, we are developing the magic pill.

Do you really believe that there will be a magic pill? How many years have they been looking for the cure for cancer? Did you know that the big solution they have for cancer right now is early detection?

When you look at the statistics, they are now detecting cancer around 2 years earlier than they used to. In fact, 5 year survival rate for cancer has improved dramatically. But guess what, 7 year survival rate has plummeted. So yes, they discover it earlier and treat you with chemotherapy and radiation for a longer period of time before you die, because they detected it earlier. However, people are still living generally the same amount of time.

Please understand that I know that there are a lot of cancer survivors out there that may be a little put off by these statement. Read on and you will understand that the focus of this little piece is to empower you and your upcoming generations so that they are not made victims of these lies.

The Truth:
There is no magic pill. There never will be.

So those are 3 of the biggest lies that are holding your health hostage. Did you notice what they have in common? I'm sure that you are wondering that right now. Let's take a look at them right now.

You're sick because of your genes.
You're sick because you are unlucky.
Don't worry, we're developing a magic pill that will take care of everything.

If you were to believe these statements, then you have absolutely no power over your own health. Your health is in someone else's hands.

So, how do you take control of your health? How do you know the steps to take? Is there a secret recipe for health and longevity? These are the questions that I answer in my new book, Youth from Within. This book will fill you with total empowerment so you can know once and for all how to be healthy and live a long, quality life. You won't be lied to anymore!

Here is a tip that you can use right now. Remember how science has determined that your genes have not changed much in 40,000 years? One of the main keys to eating healthy is to eat like a Hunter-Gatherer ate. Did the Hunter Gatherer eat organic fruits and vegetables? Did they eat organic nuts and berries? Did they eat grass fed, free range meats? Did they eat fresh fish? What should you eat to have optimum health? Right. Just like your Hunter-Gatherer ancestor.

The first section Youth from Within is yours to read for free. This is my gift to you and just this alone will begin to shift you to total health and wellbeing. The website is coming soon, but until then, you can email me for your copy at

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What I Like

I was watching The Secret today and it always seems to come down to the question, "What do you like?" You can have everything that you could possibly want. What do you want?

So, in this vein, I will brainstorm out what I like...

  1. Writing
  2. Watching my daughter learn new things
  3. Discovering new things
  4. Adjusting my Practice Members
  5. Making a large deposit of money
  6. Creating
  7. Seeing Evan Smile
  8. Hearing Evan Laugh
  9. Making love to my wife
  10. Hugging my dogs
  11. Playing Disc Golf
  12. Looking at the scenery with Evan
  13. Seeing my wife smile
  14. Hearing my wife sing to Evan
  15. Watching T.V.
  16. Working with my coach
  17. Looking at my daughter's blog
  18. Reading
  19. Coming to new understandings
  20. Philosophical discussions
  21. Teaching

When I look at the list, I notice some commonalities. I see creating, discovering, joy and love. That's fairly accurate.

I love to create and discover.

Love and joy are really what life is about.

So what I really want is more to love, more joy, more creating and discovery.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Glow with Inspiration

I woke up this morning with some interesting thoughts running around in my head. Here is what I was thinking...

I don't want to sell anymore. It feels like my practice life and writings have become more about selling. Now there is nothing wrong with selling, however, I want to inspire people and light their fire. I want people to glow with inspiration and make decisions based on that. Maybe it is still selling, but it just feels better.

I use my heart.
I use my hands.
I use my light.
I use my love.

These are really my keys of helping people. I shouldn't have to sell this, but to find people who are inspired by this, that's what I want.

I have been really focusing on expansion lately. I have been looking at the world, my practice, and myself, as being under the process of Becoming. I have been visualizing the unfoldment of something Great. This is also where my focus has been for helping others. While I work, I know that we are coming from a point of unfoldment to something Great. It is my job in these situations to disconnect from the outcome because it is not up to me to determine what "Great" is for you. So, I do my work with this understanding. I feel this is very powerful and life transforming... Inspiring.

This is really what I offer. Opportunity for Greatness in your own way. Clearing the path, clearing the gook so that your vision may be clear again. So your channels with your higher self, God, or whatever you believe, are opened within your awareness. So that you may unfold your special Greatness... Inspiring.

If you were to glow with this kind of inspiration, what could you do?

If we were to open the channels to the Greatness within, what would you do?

(I'm getting chills.)

To have a clear channel to the Best within you, to really know this Part of You, what could You become?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Dr. Dale Experience

Last night was interesting. My practice day ended with a conversation with on of my practice member who is a song writer in a song writing class. We were discussing the difference between a "custom-songwriter-for-hire" and an artist. Basically, a custom-songwriter-for-hire will listen to the person hiring them and give them near exactly what they are asking for. An artist does it differently. An artist hears and idea or gets an idea and interprets it in their own way in an attempt to expand consciousness as they see it.

Now, one is not better than the other. They both have benefits and they actually both overlap a bit. An artist has some custom-songwriter-for-hire qualities and a custom-songwriter-for-hire has some artist qualities. The thing is, I see this in my work as well.

I have been a custom-healer-for-hire, who specializes in restoring function to the body. I have really helped a lot of people in this way. People with back pain, hand problems, neck problems, digestive problems, etc., etc., have all been helped.

What my work has evolved into is artistry. My focus has become expansion of the soul. With this comes restoring of health and function, but my focus is bigger. What I am doing is creating an experience where I used to create an event.

I went home last night and watched a show called Classic Albums. The Classic Album they were featuring was Graceland by Paul Simon. I once again saw many parallels in this story to my practice evolution.

If you have not heard Graceland, here is a little bit about it. Paul Simon heard a tape of some interesting music while he was having a very hard time in his life. He eventually fell in love with this sound and had the record company track down where the people on this tape were. He found out that they were in South Africa. He decided to go to South Africa and record some music. When he arrived, it was the height of apartheid and the black community was not treated well. But what he heard was amazing music and he began forming jam sessions to capture it.

He recorded and jammed with these performers for months. The record companies did not understand what he was doing at all. There were no songs. Usually when an artist goes into a recording studio, they go in with songs. What Paul was doing was totally unorthodox.

One thing that Paul Simon said struck me. He said, "I decided not to focus on the terrible conditions of the Africans and the bad treatment of the people. I decided to focus on the beauty."

Why this was interesting to me is that I don't like to focus on the pain and symptoms that people come in with. I like to focus on the beauty of the individual and I work to bring self-awareness of this to them.

Back to the story...

So Paul Simon returns home with this incredible African music jam sessions and begins to cut and paste these together to form songs. He gets to the part where he has an entire album of music and he is so blown away with the music, that he is afraid to put words to it. If you don't know who Paul Simon is, he is one of the greatest song writers of our time and he is afraid to write.

Anyway, he starts to work with the music and sing along and it all comes together. He completes the record and it sounds like nothing that has ever been produced in pop recording (or any recording). Now it came time to present it to the record execs. They had no idea what they would say. It was SO different.

Philip Glass, a friend of Paul Simon's and composer, put it this way...

"You have to have the confidence in the work to carry it right through to the end. Even though in point of fact, you don't really know (what the end will bring). That was especially true for Graceland."

The execs listened to it and really did not know what to do. Needless to say, they released it and it became one of the best records of all time. It won the Grammy for best album of the year and the rest is history. Now I get to watch Evan dance to that amazing music that has never been duplicated since.

What I learned is this. When someone comes to me for my help, my work has evolved to the point that, I am no longer focused primarily on what got them in the door. I am focused on how can I give them an experience that will expand their soul? How can I help them to experience the beauty of their beingness? How can I help them express their beauty within and sing their special song?

My work is unorthodox. My work is an experience. If you go with it and let go, your life will transform and expand. Your experience of life will expand. Life will grow from you. You will awaken to the beauty of it all. Oh, and your symptoms will go away.

"One of the really good things about art is that it shouldn't be there to educate. It should be there to evoke." - Linda Ronstadt

What I do is an experience. I can't really explain it. I don't even know where it will lead us. What I do know is that I have confidence in the work, and if you hold on and open up to the possibilities, your life will transform and open up to beauty. This is my gift and I am grateful. It is the Dr. Dale Experience.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bliss and Vacation Time

In developing techniques to help people, I noticed that they usually just appear. I am so grateful that I am in a position to allow creativity to happen while I do my work. I am also very grateful that I have clients that pretty much just goes with it and give me feedback to help it out.

This latest technical application of my new technique (I know, big words) has opened up some great feedback. I really think I am on to something great.

One person said that they felt like they were on vacation. Another said that they kept getting more and more relaxed as I did my work. Most people just lie there after I am done and enjoy the feeling. Another person had a very wild conversation with a Tasmanian devil that climbed off of her. Wow!

What I think that I have discovered is a way to find areas where people are out of touch with God. By bringing these areas back to balance by adjustment, I believe that we unlock a state of peace and bliss.

The first time I do the technique with someone, it generally takes 6 - 7 cycles to take them to balance. The next time it is 2-3 cycles.

Thank you everyone who has helped me to develop this. Any ideas for naming it?

Monday, February 25, 2008

A Second Chance

I read this today and I was touched. This comes from the Oscar winning speech of the Best Song co-author. She actually was brought back after they inadvertently cut her off. This is unheard of in the Oscars, but her speech probably made more news because of it. Funny how the Universe works. Anyway, here is what she said...

"The fact that we're standing here tonight, the fact that we're able to hold this, it's just proof that no matter how far out your dreams are, it's possible," Irglova said during take two. "And, you know, fair play to those who dare to dream, and don't give up. This song was written from the perspective of hope, and hope, at the end of the day, connects us all, no matter how different we are."

I like it. I find this very inspiring. Hope and faith and dreams!!!

Love Is All There Is

I started using a new focus on my adaptation technique last week and it opened up a layering effect that I found very interesting.

First, I cleared and balanced the nerve system. Next, I focus "love" into the system. This creates an imbalance when there is a challenge with adapting to love. I adjust back to balance and focus more "love" into the system. More imbalance happens.

So here is my theory...

In my opinion, God is love. When you have a problem seeing God in everything, you get out of balance. Think about it for a moment. Faith neutralizes fear. When God is with you, you have no need to fear. The technique seems to take a person out of fight or flight by reconnecting them to God.

When I am sending love (or God energy) to you and you go out of balance, I bring awareness to the imbalance by applying a light adjustment. This wakes up your mind and puts focus on it, and you reset your balance.

If love is all there is, I might be on to something.

I look forward to sharing this new level of care with you in the future.

The 100 Year Lifestyle

I have heard recently of a book called The 100 Year Lifestyle by Dr. Eric Plasker. Actually, I listened to an interview of Dr. Plasker, a chiropractor, when he described the book and the concept of the 100 year lifestyle. This is important stuff, so I thought that I would share.

We'll start with some facts...
  • We have a longevity crisis in America
  • Right now there are 55,000 people over the age of 100 in the United States.
  • At the time these people were born, their life expectancy was 50 years old.
  • By the time the baby boomers get there, there will be 4.2 million people over the age of 100 with 60 million people over the age of 80.
  • The biggest fear of people that are growing older is to be crippled, broke or alone.
  • When you ask an actor to play like they are old, the first thing they do is hunch over to simulate a decaying, old, broken down spine and nerve system.

Here is the question...
If you knew that you were going to live to 100, how would you change your life so that you don't get there crippled, broke or alone, but you get there in style?

Now that we know that we will probably live longer than we thought, what is our generation, our children and our grandchildren... If you knew that you were going to live this long, when do you think is a good time to start taking care of your spine?

Do you think that your aging parent or grandparents, if they could go back 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years, if they knew that they were going to live this long, what would they have done differently? Would they have waited until their discs completely deteriorated? Would they have waited until they had nerve pressure that was causing all types of hormonal and chemical imbalance in the body before they started taking care of their spine? Would they have waited until they looked in the mirror and saw their posture hunched over where they said, "God I look old" to start taking care of their spine?

Many of you have started to get hints from your spine and nerve system. Many of you have had episodes of pain or nerve system imbalance in the form of stress, headaches, digestive disturbances, heart palpitations, and the list goes on and on.

Don't be motivated by crisis. Don't wait until you have a major blow out in your health that you barely survive to start to take action to get well. Be motivated by quality of life. Start taking action now to ensure your continued quality of living. This is key. This is how you impact your life in a positive way. Which motivation makes sense to you?

Evan Videos

Evan Videos!!

Kitty Bongos


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Breaking Through

This weekend I participated in the Breakthrough Experience. Wow!!

The voice is an amazing way to breakthrough your stuff. Here is kind of what it is all about. I understand that it is a personal experience, so it is really different for everyone...

Singing is a way to totally express your joy and love for life. Another way to put this is that it is a way to shine your godliness. This is why it is such a shifting process to go through. Any time that you bring out your best, you must grow and shift. It is not really about singing great (whatever that is), but it is about going all out and shining bright.

So this is what I got from this weekend for myself.

The song that I was given is a Joe Cocker cover of My Love Is Alive. In order to really belt this rocking song out, I had to stand in my power. What I mean is that I needed to let the power of myself channel through my voice. I must say that this is a very uncomfortable place for me. I understand that I have a great deal of power, however, for me there tends to be some shame in being powerful. When I reflect on this a little deeper, I recognize that I have not been celebrating the power of my work. There are miracles that happen every week, sometimes every day, in my office, under my hands, and I treat it so matter of factly.

For instance, there was a little girl who came in a got adjusted once and her allergies went away. This is miraculous. What does medicine have to offer this kid? The truth is that I was not treating the girl for allergies. I was caring for her and her body healed. Miraculous!! People come in for care and they sleep better, they have a brighter outlook on life, their attitude shifts, they smile more, their digestion improves, and yes, their pain goes away. We're saving lives here and I have been just hohumming it as if it is no big deal. It is a big deal and I am so grateful. This weekend opened me up to get excited about the miracles again!!!

So what would you get out of something like this? I have no idea, but any time that you stretch into expressing your joy and love, great things happen. I highly recommend that you go on this journey with me next time. Thank you Mick and Tess and all of my other Breakthrough Buddies. You Rock!!!