Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Developing Your Health Team

I wandered the vegetable section of our local store the other day and I ran into a friend from my business group. Her hair had changed so I barely recognized her and I of course commented that her hair looked different. "Really different." It was short, about a quarter inch long. Cut about as short as mine.

She jokingly said, "chemo haircut." I smiled that uncomfortable smile. The one you smile after you put your foot in your mouth. She said that she had been wearing a wig lately, but now she has "come out" and let everyone know that she had cancer.

I instantly wanted to help her even more than before. I had talked at our group before and she showed an interest in coming in. So I talked to her about this...

She said that she had been to a chiropractor "for the fun of it" and it felt great after being "cracked." She went on to say that she would go with her husband, who had the "back problems."

I let her know that usually when someone develops cancer it is the body's way of letting them know that something has to change. Cancer is an effect of something that they are doing and have been doing in life.

She said that she was eating better and exercising, but the stress levels haven't come down yet.

I explained that this is what chiropractic care is really great at. I said, "Do you remember when you went to the chiropractor "for the fun of it" and you felt great afterwards?" This is because you felt the stress levels drop.

She said that she would refer her husband to me.

After this conversation, I began to think about a few things. I do this after I realize that I did not get through to someone that I wanted to help. Here is the most important thing that I uncovered...

When one develops cancer, or any major disease, one usually surrounds themselves with a team of experts that specialize in helping to eliminate cancer and avoid cancer in the future. These are the cancer fighters. The anti-cancer team.

This is a team based in fear and avoidance. We don't want this or we want to get rid of this.

In my studies of the law of attraction, I see a flaw in this thinking. According to the law of attraction, what you think about the most comes about. How can anyone get rid of something that they are focused on with a lot of emotion?

I know what you are thinking, but it's "I don't want cancer. I am thinking about not wanting cancer."

Here is the sucky part about the law of attraction... Not wanting something attracts the same as wanting something. When you put a "I don't want it" vibration into the Universe. The Universe, wanting to give you everything you ask for, brings to you more opportunities to "not want" the something you don't want. You may want to read that a few times and let it sink in.

Here's my point. I completely understand why someone would want to surround themselves with a team of people who are expert in fighting something. However, it is really important to also have a team of health experts that help you to focus on your health future.

When someone comes to me, it is my purpose to help them to shift their focus towards developing health. In shifting this focus and helping them to get excited about this new direction that they are traveling, they transform. Here is a truth... The vibration of disease does not resonate with the vibration of health.

Notice the difference in these statements...

I want to avoid cancer and heart disease. I want to experience new levels of health from now to past 100.

I just don't want to be sick. I want to experience incredible energy and stamina.

I just don't want to be ugly. I want to be beautiful.

I just don't want to be poor. I want to be rich.

Get it?

I am very blessed to have a handful of clients who understand this point. They utilize my expertise as a health expert and allow me to guide them to habits that serve their health development.

Sure, I still work with the majority of clientèle that is focused on relief. However, I do my best to nudge them towards health development as opposed to symptomatic relief.

Would you rather be motivated by desperation or inspiration?

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