Monday, October 1, 2007

The Menu Is Out

We now have the menu of talks going out. If you would like a pdf of the upcoming talks, please email me at

At this time, there are 17 speakers scheduled with 36 talks.

Or here is a link to google calendar
were everything is inputed.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Purpose: Your New Community Health Development Center

I was given a book recently (thank you Paul) called, Even Eagles Need a Push. What a cool book! It walks a person through vision, purpose, goals, etc., all stuff that I had done on several occasions in the past. This time however, it really took me to a wonderful place.

In looking at purpose, David McNally, the author, says something that woke me up. He wrote that the underlying purpose of everyone on the planet is to contribute and to grow. What are you here to contribute?

In contemplating this question, I came to the conclusion that I want to have a community center where everyone can come and become healthy, a safe environment for families and friends, focused on creating more health and vitality in their lives, can congregate and be happy. In short, I want a Community Health Center.

I came into the office very jazzed at the idea of creating this new center. I looked it up on line to see if there were any such centers around. I found that the term community health center was understood to mean a place were people go for free medical care. Darn!!

How about "Community Wellness Center"? Guess what? Also taken by the medical industry.

So I was bummed. It has all been taken over by the meds.

In the book, it says that when you have a great vision of what you want, you will sometimes hit a wall and get frustrated. You may even want to give up, but then, something serendipitous will happen that will let you know that you are on the right track and don't give up.

Just when I was feeling defeated, a hawk landed just outside my office window. I had never seen a red tailed hawk around my office before, but there is was. I got the message. I knew I was on the right track.

Later in the morning I had a call with my coach and told him my idea. He said, we ran into a similar problem 15 years ago. How we separated ourselves from medical was to put together Health Development Programs. The light went on for me and I started putting together my Community Health Development Center.

So far, I have scheduled 13 speakers including myself and 31 talks and workshops over the next 3 months. We have writing classes, making your house greener talks, stretching classes, core building talks, photography classes, wealth health classes, a cooking class, and many more.

This has all manifested in less than 2 weeks. Wow!

Look for the "Menu of Classes" around the area. If you can't find one, call the office 818-249-9355, and we will get you one.

Come and enjoy your new Community Health Development Center. Woo Hoo!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

On Helping Others

We had a friend who was overweight. She never seemed too worried about her health. Even when she fell off of her horse, she didn’t come in to have her spine checked. Even though we knew we could help her, she never made that decision to give chiropractic a try. She died suddenly of a massive heart attack at the age of 49, leaving a teenage daughter and husband.

Not too long after this, another person contacted us after being exasperated with the medical care he had been receiving. He was very ill, and he never made it to his first adjustment. He died of a stroke the weekend before he was to get started with his care.

Right on the heels of these events, a practice member told us that she wanted to get a family member in who is dealing with serious pain that medical doctors couldn’t help her with. She is waiting until the medical doctors tell her she needs surgery before she’ll try chiropractic.

In our office, we often hear our practice members tell us that they are trying to get someone they love to come in. They know that if they could just convince this person somehow, he or she would get the help they need.

Part of the problem is that our practice members are unsure how to tell others about what we do here. Getting past preconceptions can be difficult. So is waiting until things get really bad before trying chiropractic in desperation, as a last resort.

Some people are just shy or are afraid they will seem judgmental. It’s time to get over that.

You’ve heard the stories about the suffering. The frustration. The drugs. The surgeries. A few caring words from you may improve, or save, someone’s life.

How Did You Discover Chiropractic?

What would your life be like if chiropractic were not a part of it? Fortunately, someone told you about chiropractic. Something made you decide to give it a try. And once you began to explore natural healing and the importance of correcting subluxations, you made chiropractic a part of your life. Sharing your lessons and experiences can make it easier for your loved ones to face the unknown.

A Few Facts For Those Analytical Types

  • Chiropractic is the #1 health profession in the world.
  • Chiropractors specialize in removing nerve interference, which re-establishes the body’s ability to heal and function properly.
  • Chiropractic school is a four-year, post-graduate program.
  • Chiropractors do not “crack” backs. An adjustment is a precise, positive impression delivered to your nerve system with the focus of bringing about balance so that you may adapt better to your environment.

Tell Others

Whether you are dealing with a health issue or not, everyone can benefit from a healthy nervous system. In addition to proper nutrition, daily exercise, and a positive attitude, spinal health is an essential factor in your overall well-being. Many of our practice members who came in to address a specific condition continue chiropractic care to help them maintain their health. They tell us they sleep better, recover more quickly from injuries or colds, and handle stress better. Do you think these people have a better chance at living a long, healthy, productive life?

Please don’t keep chiropractic a secret. Bring in that friend or loved one and show them the care you receive. Share your success story. Bring them to a health talk. Your voice can heal.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Introducing Our New Wellness Coach

We are really excited to add to our staff an amazing new Wellness Coach.

Stephenie Van Buren is incredible!! She is friendly, fun and a blast. Our practce members are loving her.

I am so grateful and happy to have her on our team.

Woo Hoo!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Monday Motivator – August 6, 2007

Eat That Frog

Mark Twain once said, “If you woke up every morning and ate a live frog, it’d probably be the worst thing you’d do all day.”

I just read a book by Brian Tracey based on that saying called, Eat That Frog. It was about getting things done without procrastination.

It is amazing how often the things that are most important to us, the things that would dramatically change our lives, are the things that we put off. Why is this?

I believe that it is because in order for us to change, we must grow. You can’t get what you want by doing the same things over and over again. This is comfort, but it doesn’t get you anywhere. To grow, you must get uncomfortable. You must do something differently than what you are used to. You must eat frogs.

Write down your most important goals. The ones that will really improve your life. Make a plan to get it. Take action every day. Especially if it is uncomfortable.

Jump in and eat that frog!

Many blessings,

Dr. Dale

Standing Tall Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Center

3436 N. Verdugo Rd., Suite 250

Glendale, CA 91208

818-249-WELL (9355)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Why I’m So Glad My Daughter is a Chiropractic Kid by Barbara Rousey

I know that chiropractic is about more than pain relief.

Those of us who have had the good fortune to get chiropractic care on a regular basis realize that it keeps us healthier, happier, and better able to handle the stresses of life. Sure, we still experience injuries and soreness on occasion. This is normal. But we know that chiropractic keeps our systems working efficiently so that we heal correctly.

Many people, even those who recognize the benefits of chiropractic wellness care for themselves, don’t think it has anything to offer children. They go back to the idea of pain relief, particularly back pain, and assume that their child has no pain to alleviate.

I know that even at four months, Evan has had subluxations. The birth process, being held and passed from person to person, riding in the car and stroller, and exercising new wobbly muscles, all can cause subluxations. Soon she’ll be sitting up (and falling), crawling (and bumping into things), walking (and falling some more). Chiropractic care will keep her free from the problems that can develop when these subluxations go uncared for into adulthood. Her nervous system, and therefore her entire body, will grow without interference.

We also know that chiropractic care keeps the immune system functioning better. Evan will have fewer colds, ear infections, and other common childhood ailments. When she does get sick, she will heal faster than her peers without chiropractic care.

She will learn the “natural first” philosophy.

Evan will learn that the body does what it needs to do to fight disease and get healthy. A cough has a purpose. Diarrhea has a purpose. Vomiting, rashes, and fever, too. These “symptoms” that sometimes make us feel awful are the body’s way of fighting those foreign things that don’t belong in us. We help the body fight these things naturally first. Medicine has its place, but if it’s only to cover up symptoms that can actually delay the healing process, it’s not worth it. By dealing with it naturally, we learn and reinforce the idea that the body can, and does, heal. We get stronger in the process. And this is a valuable lesson to teach our children.

We, and our children, are bombarded by the media and conventional thinking that there’s a pill for every symptom. I’m sure you’ve noticed the advertisements of happy people on some sort of drug, and it’s not even clear what the drug is actually for. But the people sure do look happy! For many children, there has been a constant stream of drugs, beginning with antibiotics, cough medicine, cold medicine, behavior medicine… And it is no wonder that teens begin experimenting with illegal drugs. There is no clear line between illicit and prescription drugs. The message is the same: Take this drug and you’ll feel better. Our daughter will grow up knowing that her body is a magnificent, self-healing, self-regulating instrument to be treated with care.

She’ll avoid the common problems that adults face.

Just ask Dr. Ellwein. Many, many issues that bring people into a chiropractic office are not new injuries. Some of them have been going on since childhood. That time you fell off of your bike? Tripped over something? Ran into something? Rough-housed with a friend? Fought with a sibling? Played sports? Carried a heavy backpack? When we’re kids, our healing mechanisms work pretty fast. The body compensates for injuries quickly, and we easily forget them. Then we come in for care as adults with health issues, and they take a long time to handle. Chiropractic kids like Evan will heal more quickly and, as adults, will be spared from many of the challenges their parents faced.

She will also learn the value of taking care of oneself. So often we as adults get caught up in the day-to-day details and lose sight of the big picture. We forget to take care of ourselves until a health crisis gets our attention by interfering with our lives. Chiropractic is an important part of making one’s health a priority, deserving regular attention, even when we “feel fine.” I want my daughter to thrive, to enjoy and appreciate life, not just survive and get by.

Chiropractic is Safe

A chiropractic adjustment for a child looks much different than one for an adult. Adjustments are performed using about the same amount of pressure that you would use to check the ripeness of a tomato. Because they don’t have all of the muscle tension accompanying subluxations that adults do, the adjustment is extremely gentle and very effective. Chiropractic is a natural, non-invasive health care system whose safety record cannot be beat. I am so glad that chiropractic is Evan’s primary form of health care, from before birth, and that she is on her way to a strong, happy, healthy life.

Because I Care

I care about your children, and I want your children to get all of the advantages of chiropractic care too. I have asked Dr. Ellwein to offer a checkup for your children, and their first adjustment, for free throughout the month of July. Please take advantage of this generous offer and make an appointment soon. We’d love to see you.

Standing Tall Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Center

3436 N. Verdugo Rd., Suite 250

Glendale, CA 91208

818-249-WELL (9355)

Monday Motivator - July 9, 2007

Your Upgrade Is Waiting For You

Do you remember the titanic? After the ship went down, many of the people were in the water, waiting to be rescued. Half of them lived and half of them died. Why? Everyone was in the same freezing water. How did some survive?

Some of them were able to adapt long enough to be rescued. The others could not adapt. In other words, some had a greater General Adaptive Potential (G.A.P.) than others. This allowed them to handle stress better for a longer period of time.

How do you increase your G.A.P.?

Stress is managed by the nerve system. If you were somehow able to make your nerve system more efficient, you could handle more stress. Well, how do you do that?

Dr. Donald Epstein explained it well when he said that being under chiropractic care is like upgrading you from a Pentium 1 to a Pentium 4. When you run larger, more robust programs on a Pentium 1, those programs meant for a Pentium 4 computer, what happens? The computer crashes.

This is why in a study conducted by Perro; people under chiropractic care had 4 times the amount of enzyme to rebuild DNA than the cancer patients and 2 times that of the “healthy” people. The people under chiropractic care ran so much more efficiently that their body could put a lot more energy into repair and less into survival mode.

So, what should you do?

For yourself, continue your chiropractic care.

For your family, make sure that they are checked by a chiropractor and encourage them to get under care.

For your town and community, spread the word. A society filled with Pentium 4 people would run much better than a society filled with Pentium 1 people. Don’t you think?

Many Blessings,

Dr. Dale

Standing Tall Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Center

3436 N. Verdugo Rd. Suite 250

Glendale, CA 91208

818-249-WELL (9355)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Evan's Adjustment

Evan's first adjustment was when she was about 10 hours old.

She had a rough birth and ended up in intensive care. She was on oxygen and I adjusted her. The oxygen was then removed.

She was having a hard time keeping food down. I adjusted her midback, she could then keep her food down.

The MD said she would have to stay a few more days because of jaundice. I adjusted her and she was released the next day.

I felt sorry for all of the other kids in intensive care. Evan responded amazingly to chiropractic and was released at least 2 days earlier than expected.

She is now checked once per weeks...

My Beautiful Little Girl

Monday, July 9, 2007

Monday Motivator - July 2, 2007

Monday Motivator – July 2, 2007

Jumping into the Pool of Wellness

Wouldn’t it be nice to just think of something and have it magically appear? I want a million dollars, poof, there it is. I want a magnificent body, poof, there it is. I want incredible health, stamina and vitality, poof…

How did we suddenly believe, as a people, that we deserve something without any effort? How did we forget that the American Dream must be manifested through action?

Somehow, society was hypnotized into thinking that everyone would just be taken care of. You don’t need to prepare your food; we’ll provide it for you. You don’t need to save your money; we’ll take care of you. You can leave the dreaming to us, we will provide you with a means to survive.

In the 70’s, the cigarette manufacturers were feeling the pressure. The times had changed and we no longer would put up with these guys promoting a product that was proven to kill. We were tired of them selling us nicotine delivery systems that were riddled with chemicals designed to get us hooked and smoking more. So, what were these business people to do? They bought food companies and used their same techniques to get us hooked on their processed foods. They changed the chemical makeup of food. They added chemicals that blocked our ability to feel full. They created a country of super-sized consumers.

Understand that no one is a victim here, but wow, we were conditioned into horrible lifestyle behaviors. We became the great American feed lot. We have never been sicker and in need of a solution. The solution is a Wellness Lifestyle.

There was a time when we could just walk up to the pool of wellness, stick our feet in, and get miraculous results. This was the time when we were raised on a farm, ate organic food and free range cattle. The air was clean and the only stress was getting the day’s work done. Chiropractors got amazing results back then in very few visits.

Unfortunately, times have changed. We can no longer just dip our feet into the pool; we must jump all the way in. We now must consistently make healthy choices all of the time. We must constantly work to improve ourselves in all three areas of stress in our lives – physical, psychological and biochemical. It is not easy. We have been totally brainwashed and manipulated into making fast, easy, convenient health choices. Breaking a behavior pattern is very difficult, but it’s a must if you are going to thrive. By you making the commitment to jump into wellness, you can curve the brainwashing of your children so it won’t be so hard on them to thrive.

Jump into wellness today!!

Get a Creating Wellness Assessment within the next 2 weeks and I’ll do my part by offering it for free for you and your family. I want to help. I am committed to making my community healthier, now!

Call Barbara and make an appointment. There is no obligation. We have the tools to get you well and living a life that is thriving, but if you choose not to take advantage, I respect your decision. I am always here for you.

Many Blessings,

Dr. Dale

Assessments are done between 3:30 and 6:00 Monday – Wednesday

and Saturday between 9:00 and 10:00.

818-249-WELL (9355)

Standing Tall Chiropractic:

A Creating Wellness Center

3436 N. Verdugo Rd., Suite 250

Glendale, CA 91208

Monday, July 2, 2007

Confessions Are Hard

Monday Motivator – June 25, 2007

Confessions Are Hard

I have a confession to make. Yesterday, Barbara and I did a Wellness Assessment on each other. We filled out the survey, we did all of the tests, we had the computer calculate the results, and I was both amazed and shocked by the results. I knew that I had not been taking care of myself, but wow!

The Creating Wellness Assessment is the most accurate, advanced, non-invasive Wellness Assessment in the world. After doing the assessment, you receive a number, the Wellness Quotient – a personal number value that indicates where your personal level of wellness falls on the scale of the wellness continuum.

0-50 Very Challenged
“Unaware of health risks and not stepping forward”
Aging before your time and vulnerable to health crisis

50-75 Challenged
“Inconsistent health and wellness”
Not achieving your wellness potential and aging before your time

75-100 Transition
“Searching for a healthy lifestyle”
In-between heading towards wellness and aging before your time

100-125 Good
“Exploring new wellness strategies”
Getting closer to achieving you wellness potential

125+ Excellent
“Searching for new levels of performance”
Actively living your wellness potential

Here is what Barbara said about her assessment…

“It’s pretty honest. I wasn’t surprised by the results. Now I’m motivated to do something because I am not where I want to be health-wise.”

She scored a 97.

Here is what I had to say…

“Holy $#@*!”

I scored a 69.

My confession: I have not been living the lifestyle that I preach. I have been incongruent and I apologize. This is about to change.

Barbara and I are ordering our Creating Wellness kits today. In 10 days it will arrive and we will begin being guided by our Wellness Coach so that we are held accountable. I am about to fully live the lifestyle. Getting my Wellness Quotient was the kick in the pants that I needed.

We now offer the Wellness Assessment in our office. Call Barbara for an appointment to get your assessment. Other centers are charging $200 – 250 for this assessment. I am running a special… $50 (if you are not on a chiropractic program), free (if you are on a program). It takes approximately 30 minutes to run and you get a full report of your results on the next visit.

We have very limited space to do these because I am personally conducting the Assessments at this time. Call now to reserve your space. 818-249-9355

Many Blessings,
Dr. Dale

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Another Wonderful Picture of Evan

Hello all.

Here are a couple of pictures that were taken by Catherine Bicknell of Silver Gryphon Studios.

Thank you Catherine for these lovely memories.

Now Open!!

At last we are now open.

We have now trained up on the new computer system and it is running smooth.

Thank you so much for the referrals. We really appreciate the confidence you put in us and our service.

Today I gave a talk at my business group and 12 (out of 18) people signed up for a creating wellness assessments. If you have not signed up yet, we are taking appointments for mid July.

Woo Hoo!! It feels great to be open!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Early Pictures of the New Office

Here are some early pictures of the office!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

New Carpet!!

Last week I went to my Creating Wellness training in New Jersey. It was amazing!! I am really excited at the Wellness Evaluation that we are going to be offering you in the new office. You will soon get to see how well you are handling stress in the 3 areas of your life, physical, bio-chemical and psychological. You will also get a Wellness Quotient measurement that will let you know how well you are aging.

We will be taking appointments for this evaluation for late July. Just let Barbara know and she will schedule it for you (818) 249-WELL.

Today the carpet was installed in the new office. It looks awesome. I can't wait to share it with you next week.

Be Well!

Dr. Dale

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Evan Pictures

Here are the latest Evan photos.

Happy day at the art fair in Montrose.

Our little Zen baby.

We're now off to paint the office. Woo Hoo!!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Current Versions of Logo

Here are the current versions of the logo.
Let me know what you think.

Dr. Dale

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Office Opening Date

I have been working very hard to get the new office open by June 11th. It looks like the 18th will work much better. I thought that having carpet would be a good idea, so I pushed it back one week.

So this is the tentative schedule...

June 6 - Paint
June 11 - Ceiling Tiles Go In
June 14 - Carpet Goes In
June 15 - Security System In
June 17 - Computer System In
June 18 - New Office Open
Late June - Creating Wellness Arrives
Early July - Office Furniture Arrives
Late July - Grand Opening Celebration

Come and watch us grow.

Participate in this wonderful community of health.

Monday, May 28, 2007

An Eye-Opening Letter

Saturday, I opened a letter that I received from my accountant. I read...

"It is with great personal sadness we are writing to tell you that D. passed away this Thursday morning, May 24, 2007. She suffered a massive heart attack at 6 am, and her death came as a shock to us all."

I audibly gasped in shock.

D. was a friend that I had known for over 13 years. The first time that she did my taxes, I was a couple years behind and I owed the state some money. She paid the taxes for me and I made payments to her over the next year. I always appreciated that act of kindness, but that was D.

Her sense of humor, her groundedness, and her sage financial/business advice will be truly missed.

She was a horse person who loved to jump her horse, Cabo.

She was overweight, big built and 49 years old. She left a teenage daughter, a loving husband, and a partnership in a multimillion dollar buisness.

I spoke to her about coming in and getting on a program for health. I did this several times throughout the years saying, "When are you coming in?" She never came in.

I now wonder if I had just said, "You're obese. You don't look healthy. You look sick. I am really concerned for you." I wonder if I could have changed this. I wonder if there would have been one less teenage kid growing up without a mother.

I will no longer sit still as people I love slowly kill themselves. Losing D. like this has given me permission to say what needs to be said to my friends for whom I am concerned.

Please urge your loved ones to take action now to get healthy.

I love you D. I am so sorry that I let you and your family down.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Mud on the Walls

Today we started mudding the walls. It is really coming together and I am psyched!!!

Some people have asked me why I am moving from First Chiropractic. If I were to narrow it down to one word, it would have to be "legacy." When Barbara and I discovered that we were pregnant, I realized that it was time to move forward and build a legacy, something to pass along, for Evan.

Thank you for all your support in allowing me to create this vision.

Next comes the paint and then the ceilings and then the flooring. I'll post some pictures soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Logo Is Coming Along

The new logo is coming along. Barbara and Aimee rock!!!

Here is are some of the early versions...

Be Well!!

Dr. Dale

The Nerve System Goes In

Today, the nerve system of the office is going in. Electrical and networking lines are zigging and zagging all throughout the office to help it look as clean and run as nice as possible.

The next step (Thursday) is patching and mudding the walls. Then comes the ceilings, then the paint and then the flooring.

By the way, I am now accepting applications for Chiropractic Assistant. I am looking for a cheerful, energetic, happy individual with some computer knowledge, who likes people and lives locally. The position pays $15 per hour plus bonuses for 15 - 20 hours per week.

If you know of anyone who may be interested, have them call me between 12:30 and 3:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.


Dr. Dale

Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday Motivator - May 21, 2007

The Beauty Within You

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and realized just how beautiful you are?

There is nobody else like you. You are unique, both on the inside and the outside. You have a unique talent, unique dreams, unique beliefs, unique vision. You are special and beautiful!! Take the time to celebrate this fact.

If you have totally forgotten how special and beautiful you are, find a baby to hang out with for a while, go out with some optimistic friends who love you, look up at the stars and wonder, look into the mirror with love and gratitude. I am so blessed to know you.

One big purpose in life is to come to understand the beauty within yourself. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you know your beauty… What is my beauty? What makes me so beautiful? What special gifts have I to share with others?

Here are some that will help you bring out your most beautiful you… If I were the most beautiful me that I could be, what would I be like? What are the qualities and values of an absolutely beautiful person? Now, make a list. This is what you aspire to be. Be it.

When you express the beauty within you, the whole world sings with you.

Many Blessings,

Dr. Dale

The Creating Wellness Program

The Creating Wellness Program is designed to alleviate the stressors that cause subluxations. It includes an exercise program, an eating guide, your supplements, a weekly audio program, a journal, re-evaluations, and weekly coaching, all customized to you.

This program lasts a minimum of 15 weeks, and with chiropractic care, it is an incredible way to reclaim your health.

Here are some of the results...

Average Wellness Quotient
First Assessment 80
After Phase 1 103

10 Weeks on the Creating Wellness Program Average Patient Benefits
Body Fat Decreases 4.97%
Waist Line Decreases 4.75%
Systolic BP Decreases 3.75%
Diastolic BP Decreases 4.17%
Seated Heart Rate Decreases 5.45%
Standing Heart Rate Decreases 7.37%
Arm Strength Increases 34.37%
Leg Strength Increases 20.32%
Torso Strength Increases 26.16%

A Sampling of Other Measured Results
Sugar Cravings Decreased
Controlling Worries and Anxieties Improved
Significant Increase in Eating Fruits, Vegetables, and Balanced Meals ... Especially Breakfast
Significant Decrease in Eating Fast Food
Significant Increase in Sleep Quality
Increase Ability to Face Negative Stress
Increase in Completing Goals and Tasks
Increased Efficiency at Work

I am really excited about this new program. In fact, I will be the first in the office to do it.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

More on Creating Wellness

I took this from the Creating Wellness Website...

Unique to Creating Wellness is the Wellness Quotient (WQ) - a number value that indicates where your personal level of wellness falls on the scale of the wellness continuum. It is calculated by the results of a Wellness Assessment that measures you in all three dimensions of your life - physical, biochemical, and psychological.

Remember, life does not stand still. Every decision you make will move you in a direction toward wellness or sickness on the wellness continuum --- What direction are you moving in? We are here for you to help you achieve the life you want.

Now that we have a way of measuring your level of health, we can put a customized program together and measure its effectiveness. This measurement is our guide to help you have a more full and fulfilling life experience.

When a new practice member comes in for the assessment, they can do one of four things...

1) They can do just chiropractic care.
2) They can do just the creating wellness program.
3) They can do both the chiropractic care and the creating wellness program.
4) They can do nothing and sign up for a re-evaluation in 6 months.

So now there are more options to help you and we have a benchmark to guide us in our decisions concerning your health.

I am very excited about our new Creating Wellness Assessment and I look forward to using it to help you have the life of your dreams.

Even more to come...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

What Is a Creating Wellness Center Anyway?

Throughout my career, I have been helping people improve their health and wellness so that they can experience the best in life. I have refined my knowledge, abilities and communication skills to guide practice members to better lifestyle choices that lead to health. My understanding of chiropractic care and my very skilled hands have saved countless lives and careers. However, there is one question that I have been trying to answer that has eluded me, up until now... How do you measure how healthy someone is?

In the past, I have tried surveys and exams that always fell a little short. They marked progress, but they were a bit too subjective. If somebody "felt" fine, they scored well even though they may not have been very healthy.

Enter Creating Wellness. The team at the Chiropractic Leadership Alliance has put together the most comprehensive, non-invasive wellness assessment in the world. It is really remarkable! There is a thorough examination conducted, as well as a survey. All of the data is then entered into a central computer that compares your data to thousands of others who have been entered. Once it is tabulated, you receive a complete report along with a number, between 1 and 200, that represents your level of wellness.

In a nutshell...

If your number is at 100, you are aging at an average rate.

If your number is below 100, you are aging faster than average.

If your number is above 100, you are aging slower than average.

More on Creating Wellness to come...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Where Is This New Office?

Hello all,

I realized that I forgot to give you the information concerning where this new office is. Here is the info...

Standing Tall Chiropractic:
A Creating Wellness Center
3436 N. Verdugo Rd., Suite 250
Glendale, CA 91208

818-249-WELL (9355)

It is located approximately 5 blocks from my old office next to Montrose Park and across the street from La Cabinitas restaurant. Here is a map link.

The front of the office building is well landscaped with grass and lots of plants and there is plenty of parking in the back (entered from El Cino Pl).

The target for opening is June 11, 2007.

I really look forward to sharing this dream with you.

Many Blessings,
Dr. Dale

Thursday, May 17, 2007

New Office Stuff!!

Today we chose the color of the carpets and the wood for the new office furniture. It is going to be beautiful!!

The big purchase for today was the flat screen TV for my report room. Now my practice members will view their x-rays and exam findings on the flat screen monitor. I am very excited to share this cool new tool with you.

I am creating a high tech, paperless office that you will enjoy and love to share with your friends and families. I am grateful for the opportunity to do this for all of you.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Chiropractic Kids Have an Unfair Advantage

It is neat how many kids that I see now that I have my own little one. Chiropractic kids have an unfair advantage. They are just brighter beings.

Did you know that OSHA has done a study and said that by the time we are 13, we have had over 1000 traumas? When you think about it, it makes sense. We start with birth. Then 50% of us roll off of the changing table. Then we learn to walk, falling on our butts. Then we bump into corners of coffee tables. Then we are swung by the arm or tossed in the air. Then we wrestle with our siblings. Learn to ride a bike. Fall off the monkey bars. Play sports. And on and on.

Our bodies can take a lot. Unfortunately, over time, all of these poor-healing traumas add up. You walk into the chiropractic office with your symptomatic, degenerating spine and say fix this.

Does it make more sense to grow healthy kids or repair damaged adults?

Tell someone you love about chiropractic...tell them today!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New Office Coming Soon!!

The new office is really coming along. I am grateful for the wonderful help from Candyce and Russ. Their work is awesome.

Today the carpet guy came out to prepare an estimate and tomorrow my color designer, Sherrie and I will pick the perfect carpet.

By the end of the week I will have the furniture picked and its construction begun.

We are getting ready to open on June 11, 2007.

I know that everything will not be totally together, so you will get to watch us grow.

Woo Hoo!!

Dr. Dale