Monday, July 9, 2007

Monday Motivator - July 2, 2007

Monday Motivator – July 2, 2007

Jumping into the Pool of Wellness

Wouldn’t it be nice to just think of something and have it magically appear? I want a million dollars, poof, there it is. I want a magnificent body, poof, there it is. I want incredible health, stamina and vitality, poof…

How did we suddenly believe, as a people, that we deserve something without any effort? How did we forget that the American Dream must be manifested through action?

Somehow, society was hypnotized into thinking that everyone would just be taken care of. You don’t need to prepare your food; we’ll provide it for you. You don’t need to save your money; we’ll take care of you. You can leave the dreaming to us, we will provide you with a means to survive.

In the 70’s, the cigarette manufacturers were feeling the pressure. The times had changed and we no longer would put up with these guys promoting a product that was proven to kill. We were tired of them selling us nicotine delivery systems that were riddled with chemicals designed to get us hooked and smoking more. So, what were these business people to do? They bought food companies and used their same techniques to get us hooked on their processed foods. They changed the chemical makeup of food. They added chemicals that blocked our ability to feel full. They created a country of super-sized consumers.

Understand that no one is a victim here, but wow, we were conditioned into horrible lifestyle behaviors. We became the great American feed lot. We have never been sicker and in need of a solution. The solution is a Wellness Lifestyle.

There was a time when we could just walk up to the pool of wellness, stick our feet in, and get miraculous results. This was the time when we were raised on a farm, ate organic food and free range cattle. The air was clean and the only stress was getting the day’s work done. Chiropractors got amazing results back then in very few visits.

Unfortunately, times have changed. We can no longer just dip our feet into the pool; we must jump all the way in. We now must consistently make healthy choices all of the time. We must constantly work to improve ourselves in all three areas of stress in our lives – physical, psychological and biochemical. It is not easy. We have been totally brainwashed and manipulated into making fast, easy, convenient health choices. Breaking a behavior pattern is very difficult, but it’s a must if you are going to thrive. By you making the commitment to jump into wellness, you can curve the brainwashing of your children so it won’t be so hard on them to thrive.

Jump into wellness today!!

Get a Creating Wellness Assessment within the next 2 weeks and I’ll do my part by offering it for free for you and your family. I want to help. I am committed to making my community healthier, now!

Call Barbara and make an appointment. There is no obligation. We have the tools to get you well and living a life that is thriving, but if you choose not to take advantage, I respect your decision. I am always here for you.

Many Blessings,

Dr. Dale

Assessments are done between 3:30 and 6:00 Monday – Wednesday

and Saturday between 9:00 and 10:00.

818-249-WELL (9355)

Standing Tall Chiropractic:

A Creating Wellness Center

3436 N. Verdugo Rd., Suite 250

Glendale, CA 91208

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