Imagine getting a picture of what you want in your mind and having it almost magically come to you. This is really how it is meant to be, once you are ready to allow it into your life. How do you streamline this allowing so it opens up almost like turning on a fire hose?
We'll get to that. But first, you're about to understand the way "it" works.

You are living your life in a trance. We all do. This trance is based on our beliefs and ideas of how things are. It actually becomes a neurological pattern that we are locked into. Yoram Wind and Colin Crook call it a "Mental Model" in their book, The Power of Impossible Thinking. Sorry to break this news to you, but now that you know, you can break free of it. Read on.
You have decided that you want something. You get a clear picture and you hold it up to your "Mental Model." In order for you to get what you want, you must shift your mental model to allow it to come into your life. Guess which system of the body holds your mental model? That's right, your nerve system. More on that soon. First, let's go over what usually shifts your mental model.
Someone once said that we shift because of the people we meet and the books we read. I believe this (plus one more that's coming). So we attract to us the people and the books necessary for us to have the opportunity to shift out of our trance or mental model and create the right frame of mind to allow us to have what we want. Here is where it gets really interesting.
The theory of how "it" works that will transform your life.
You decide you want something. You get a clear picture and feeling of what you want as if you already have it. Your mind holds this picture or structure up against your current mental model. If it fits within the frame of your current mental model, you get what you want really fast. However, if it does not fit, your mental model must shift to allow it to manifest. How, you might wonder?
Here's the magic.
This incongruency between your wanted picture and the mental model that you are working with creates an energy. This energy is like a magnet to the Universe and attracts exactly what you need to shift your Mental Model. In other words, the people and the books you need to cause you to change and become aligned with what you want are attracted to you. Now for the surprise.
Another word for this "energy" is SUBLUXATION.
One of the techniques that we now offer in the office is designed to shift your mental model by accessing this energy and dispelling it. What this means is that you no longer have to go through the time (and sometimes pain) of attract the people and books to shift you. The adjustment shifts your mental model to align with what you want. What you want then is attracted more easily towards you, and you allow it to come in. Like magic!
Now is a good time to pick up the phone and make an appointment.
Just imagine, you focus on what you want and as you are adjusted, you instantly shift to allow it to come into your life. How cool! Life transformation at the click of an instrument. Woo Hoo!
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