Let's talk about what Spring Cleaning is really all about... Namely tolerations.
Tolerations are those little things that bug you, just a little bit, and you tolerate them. Here are some examples (from my office)...
* cluttered desk

* stuffed desk drawer
* unopened mail
* cover missing on a plug
* scuff mark on the wall
* yellow spots on the ceiling tile
* dust
* wires under the desk
* files not filed
* my waistline is a little big
Get the picture? I could keep going.
We all have tolerations. We try to ignore them. We fool ourselves into thinking that we don't notice them or they don't bug us. But alas, they are sucking away at our energy.
I once heard tolerations described like this. Imagine that you are trudging through the Amazon jungle and you come to a stream. You hop in and cross. On the other side you discover that you are covered with leaches. You continue onward. Then what happens?
You don't notice anything for a while. Then you start getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly, you collapse.
You see, each leach by itself is not sipping much of your blood. As a group, however, they are draining you dry.
This is what tolerations do to you energetically. Each one sucks a little from you every moment of every day. So let's set you free!
If you really want to open the flows of energy and transform your life, you must handle your tolerations. Here's how...
- Make a list - Go around and list all of the things that you are tolerating. You will be amazed at how big this list gets.
- Put the list away for a week - Don't worry, it will be there later.
- Pull out the list - Cross off all of the tolerations that have somehow magically been handled already. This may surprise you.
- Put a plan together to eliminate the tolerations that are left on the list - Delegate what you can and schedule the rest.
- Take action - Get to it
I recommend doing this practice at least 4 times a year. Anytime that you notice business drop a little or grumpiness at home, check your tolerations. It will change your life.
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