My Statement of Belief

I believe in God, the name I choose for the Source from which everything emanates.
I believe that God is a supportive Energy of Love and that Love is at the core of everything.
We are surrounded by this God Energy and it permeates every cell in out being.
I believe in the Law of Cause and Effect, what goes around comes around and do unto others as you would have done unto you.
I believe in the energetic Law of Attraction. What you think about and feel about the most, you attract.
I believe everything happens for a reason, to guide me to a greater understanding of love and gratitude. I believe that I am one of the All in this dance of God Energy.
I believe that I am here to express Divine Love of God through all of my thoughts, words and deeds, to play my role in the dance.
I believe that heaven and hell are determined by perspective, when I look at life as a perspective of love, I am in heaven, when I look at life as something to fear, I am in hell. All is God. Hell is just another way of directing me back to Heaven.
I believe that Heaven is now and that all that is required to realize it is to live in love and gratitude. Living in love and gratitude keeps me in heaven and I choose this reality. I believe God is like a loving father who wants only the best for me.
I believe that the body is self healing and self regulating. The body is meant to be healthy.
I believe that sustained fight or flight reaction leads to every major degenerative disease, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Physical hell in our bodies.
I believe that this reaction is caused by choices in how we eat, move and think.
I believe that I know the choices necessary to hold a body in health and healing.
I believe that this is the key to the fountain of youth. Physical Heaven in our bodies.
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