Thursday, January 31, 2008
Even More Inspiration
WoW! This is an incredible specimen!
By the way, not a lot of people know this. Jack LaLanne is a chiropractor.
I added this picture with many others to my Life Arrow. I had several of Steve Irwin, a couple of Dr. Larry Markson (a mentor of mine) and a few of some fire twirlers. Barbara said that it was the best-looking Life Arrow she had ever seen (she's seen over 40).
Last night I burned my death arrow. It was an interesting ceremony of honor to my past.
This morning I placed my Life Arrow high on a mountain. It overlooked a valley with several streams. It was beautiful as the sun came up. I climbed through many sage plants to find my perfect spot. In fact, as I am typing this, I still smell of sage. It was really an awesome experience.
I now move forward with a commitment to which I wish to become and the life I vision to be. The main focus into the future is passion and enthusiasm and the Fountain of Youth. Woo Hoo!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
At the Crossroads
Tomorrow a major advertisement comes out in the La Canada Valley Sun. It is a really cool insert based on a very powerful ad that attracts a lot of clients. It is based on the finding of the Fountain of Youth, it tells a good story, and it has a great picture of Evan and me. It's all true and accurate and makes a good offer. Needless to say, I believe that this is a turning point to my practice success!
Here is my challenge. The Fountain of Youth Program is (in a nutshell) following an optimal lifestyle that supports health and healing in the human body. This is a lifestyle that I am expert in, however, I do not practice it entirely. In other words, I am incongruent with the Fountain of Youth.
So here is the sadness. I am needing to let go of who I have been, namely, my eating habits and sloth-like nature as well as my financial struggles in life, and embrace who I am becoming. This shedding can be hard, but in the long run, I know that it will be better for everyone (especially me).
I have decided to do a ceremony tonight and honor that part of me of the past. I will most likely morn a bit and then lay it to rest. Tomorrow I will embrace that optimal me and move forward with power, passion, joy and enthusiasm.
Art by: Sylviane Morizur-Ford
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Passion and Enthusiasm
First, he said that he wants to be remembered for two things, passion and enthusiasm.
What do you want to be remembered for? What do I want to be remembered for?
He went on to say that he does what he does because "if we can touch people about wildlife, they want to save it. Humans want to save things that they love."
I look at Steve and I see his passion and enthusiasm. I see a real need to do what he loves. I see his desire to share his love of animals in such an enthusiastic way, that people want to tune in and have fun experiencing his world.
I think to myself, how can I bring passion and enthusiasm to the world of health. How can I share my passion for human performance with others in such a way that they will fall in love with it and transform their lives?
There are people in my field that I can model, Jack LaLanne, Richard Simmons, Billy Blanks. I just feel more of a connectedness to Steve Irwin. I just love his playful excitement and bravery. It just looks like he's having fun. Yes, I know he's dead, but his enthusiasm lives on.
I bet Evan would like a dad with that much joy for living. Ah my motivation. Hopefully my clientele will enjoy it too. Woo Hoo!!
"I have a message for my fans. Whatever you want to do in this world, it is achievable. The most important thing that I've found, that perhaps you could use, is be passionate and enthusiastic in the direction that you choose in life, and you'll be a winner."
---Crikey! What an Adventure on Animal Planet, 2007
Monday, January 28, 2008
Heath Ledger
Copyright © 2008 by Dr. Dale Ellwein
Don’t cry honey
It will be okay
Just take this pill
And the pain will go away
The voice is loud
It cackles in my ear
The devil is laughing
Mr. Hyde is all I hear
I’m on my way
I’ve figured it out
I try on different people
I now know what it’s about
The voice is loud
It screams in my ear
That devil and his laughter
Mr. Hyde is what I hear
I met myself the other day
It scared me to finally see
The devil just kept laughing
I guess Mr. Hyde is what I’ll be
The voice is loud
Filling my head with disarray
I take another pill
And it finally goes away
Information Galore!
I have been studying with a specialist in information products, Libbe Halevy. She turned me onto the guru of info products, Adam Urbanski.
While listening to his Info-Product Intensive, I started to get flashed of inspiration. Then I realized that I have a tin of information to offer. Most of it people would be interested in.
I look at my Monday Motivator, which I have been writing for over 3 years, and I notice that there is a lot in there.
I look at my blog, there is a lot in here.
I look at my talks, each one of those could be packaged as an info product.
I figure that I could put together at least 10 classes and courses on different health topics. Great, another project. How exciting!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The first thing was something that I never really listened to before. It is the part about the woman who cured herself of breast cancer. She kept saying, "Thank you for my healing. Thank you for my healing."
I looked at areas of my life that need healing. I am very grateful that my home life is great and our physical health is awesome. But there is definitely an area that needed a little help.
I picked up my gratitude stone, an idea I also got from The Secret, and started saying, "Thank you for my success. Thank you for my practice success." Every time that I touch the gratitude stone I am saying, "Thank you for my success. Thank you for my practice success."
This is definitely the focus for this year and it feels really good knowing that it will succeed. I mean, as it succeeds I am helping a lot more people get well and have a fuller life, and financial pressures are relieved. Win-win.
If there is an area of your life that needs some healing, pick up a stone and be thankful for its manifestation every time you touch it. Magic will happen.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Ebb and Flow
Really, the idea is cool, I can help a lot of people with it, and I can wrap my mind around it and be grateful. This is the first step, really define how you want it to look. Once you really get it down and are very clear, then write the "why." Why do you want it? What is your motivation? This is the fuel to the fire. You will be referring to this often in the process of achieving your dream. Finally, the last part of this first step is to write down your target date of completion. When can you create it by? When do you want it by?
By now, you should be very excited. If you are not, look at it again. Is it really something that you want to do or become? If there is no enthusiasm after the first step, there is no need to go on to step 2. Go back and find something that jazzes you and makes you jump out of bed in the morning excited to start your day.
Step 2: The planning.
This is where I am now. Yes, I am a bit overwhelmed, but I am focusing on the end result and the "why." Always start your planning (and your day) by looking at the answers in step one. This gives perspective. This gives you the drive to get past the overwhelm.
I started the planning by listing all of the people and things that I need in order to get my ideal vision to manifest. For example, for me it was...
Develop a consistent marketing machine
Build an outstanding team to deliver my vision
Create a revolutionary program that fills the needs of my clientele and make it turn-key
The next step is to break each of these into smaller and smaller steps (chunk it down). Then set the time lines like road marks along the way to achieving your main goal.
Step 3: Schedule.
Take each step and schedule it. Each day do at least 3 things that are taking you towards your goal.
Step 4: Take Action.
Step 5: Trust, Visualize, Re-assess
Trust that you will there. You are taking steps everyday.
Visualize, read the why and feel what it is like to have it.
Re-asses your steps. Learn as you go.
Step 6: Celebrate!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
What is it that they want?
It completely makes sense to do this, I know, but what do they want?
I have put a lot of calls out to some people that fit my ideal profile, but have not received any contact yet. So I am left to guess at this time. Here is my list...
What they want?
- a supportive relationship
- to be listened to
- to be loved and appreciated
- to feel valued
- hope
- to feel good about themselves
- to know that they made a great choice to use our services
- more energy
- feel good
- to know they are getting results
- understand the process
I think that these are things that pretty much anyone would want.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
There are a lot of people in this country getting sick. Most of it is preventable, but some is not. For those who are getting sick (or heading to be sick) because of lifestyle choices, change your ways now!! It really sucks to be at the mercy of an insurance company who gets to decide whether or not you get lifesaving care. My advise, don't get sick.
Your body is amazing. It is designed to do two things, help you survive or help you thrive. The more we ask our body to help us survive, the more years come off of our ticker and the sicker we become. This leads to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. This survival state is turned on by the toxins and deficiencies in our lifestyles.
It is thinking toxic thoughts or thoughts of lack that put us in survival.
It is eating poorly or inhaling pollution or not getting enough vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids that put us into survival.
It is trauma to the body, subluxation or lack of exercise that puts us into survival.
We are really great at putting ourselves into survival. How do we turn it around?
This is my whole focus in my Creating Wellness Center. This is our specialty. Get help! If not from me, from somebody. You are worth it!!
Don't give the insurance company a chance to reject your claim.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Why I Blog
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Today for a Better Tomorrow
This shows the key to breaking through whatever limitations that you are seeing today. The other part of this is that you should make your decisions and take your actions based on where you are going and not where you are.
This is power. This is control. The truth is that you can only control your perception and your actions. How are you looking at the world? Are you focusing and holding onto your vision? Are your actions and priorities based on your vision?
I must say that I have been wrapped up in today too much. I have heard myself saying things based on fear. My focus has been off. This is not a good thing for a leader. It is not very attractive.
People want to be around someone with vision and passion for that vision. People want to be around the action of building a better future.
One of my mentors, Dr. Bob Hoffman, used to say, "Catch on fire and the whole world will come to watch you burn." Now that's passion!
Friday, January 18, 2008
My Statement of Belief
My Statement of Belief
I believe in God, the name I choose for the Source from which everything emanates.
I believe that God is a supportive Energy of Love and that Love is at the core of everything.
We are surrounded by this God Energy and it permeates every cell in out being.
I believe in the Law of Cause and Effect, what goes around comes around and do unto others as you would have done unto you.
I believe in the energetic Law of Attraction. What you think about and feel about the most, you attract.
I believe everything happens for a reason, to guide me to a greater understanding of love and gratitude. I believe that I am one of the All in this dance of God Energy.
I believe that I am here to express Divine Love of God through all of my thoughts, words and deeds, to play my role in the dance.
I believe that heaven and hell are determined by perspective, when I look at life as a perspective of love, I am in heaven, when I look at life as something to fear, I am in hell. All is God. Hell is just another way of directing me back to Heaven.
I believe that Heaven is now and that all that is required to realize it is to live in love and gratitude. Living in love and gratitude keeps me in heaven and I choose this reality. I believe God is like a loving father who wants only the best for me.
I believe that the body is self healing and self regulating. The body is meant to be healthy.
I believe that sustained fight or flight reaction leads to every major degenerative disease, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Physical hell in our bodies.
I believe that this reaction is caused by choices in how we eat, move and think.
I believe that I know the choices necessary to hold a body in health and healing.
I believe that this is the key to the fountain of youth. Physical Heaven in our bodies.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Finding Oneself
In the search to find myself, I think that I have lost some attractability. I woke up this morning trying to figure out what is going on. Last night I did a new talk on Discovering the Fountain of Youth. I thought that this would be something that everyone would be interested in. Many of my clients and others that I had talked to said that they would come. One person showed up.
So I ask myself, "What's going on?" This is really incredible stuff. I put together a great powerpoint and handout. The information is my best work yet. I don't get it.
I realize that in order to be a searcher, or to have the drive to keep searching, one must be uncomfortable. This discomfort drives a person to discovery. It drives a person to redefine and refine ideas and concepts in a vain attempt to be heard and to help the masses. If I could only get comfortable with the discomfort.
I think that it is this angst that is so distracting. People may be seeing me as a troubled, stressed out mad scientist type. (Sometimes I look at myself this way) How can this be attractive?
Being ahead of the wave is not always easy. It is really hit and miss, and risk taking. I actually like this part. There is something thrilling about the chance to finally catch the big wave and ride it. I guess that this is really where my focus should be. This is attractive. The chance to catch the wave and take society with me. This rocks!
The truth is, it is all perspective. I can consider myself a mad scientist or a genius, stressed out or thrill seeker, fighting the forefront or paving the way.
Here is an example... Monday I woke up feeling depressed. I was mostly depressed about the financial hole that I have dug in pursuit of my dream practice. I told myself, "You can either be depressed about this or excited at the opportunity that you created for yourself." It is all perspective.
I will commit to pulling it together. I now focus on the thrill of the ride. I now accept the discomfort and call it driving force. I now define myself as a visionary and an entrepreneur. I am okay with leading one at a time or thousands. I find myself and I am okay.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
What are 2 things that I should stop doing, 2 things I should keep doing, and 2 things I should start doing?
Huh! Now it is really getting interesting. I don't even want to share these things in public. Ah, something scary, I'll share these insights just because it may inspire bravery in others...
2 things that I should stop doing
1) Avoiding opening letters
2) Watching so much T.V.
2 things I should keep doing
1) Listening to John Maxwell and On Purpose (Leadership Coaching and a Chiropractic Audio Magazine)
2) Farmers' Market in Montrose
2 things I should start doing
1) Affirmations Every Day
2) Taking Vacations with the Family
3) Finish My Book Discovering Your Fountain of Youth
Monday, January 14, 2008
The "Why" in My Life
There are times that I contemplate, "Why am I working so hard to build a practice?" I have one word, "Evan." The truth is that when I see her smile and watch her learn and grow, I get it. I want so much for her and she has been teaching me how little she really needs. Food, love, laughter, learning, growing. She just wants for these basics. That is probably why I want to give her so much more. It's interesting how that works.
Anyway, what a beautiful little girl. I am so grateful and I had no idea how cool these moments would be. I want so much to teach her how to be of service to others and make a difference when in truth, her smile does more than I could ever do. I must smile more.
Be Careful What You Ask
Please tell me 2 things that I should stop doing, 2 things I should keep doing, and 2 things I should start doing.
When I started getting the feedback, the first thing I wanted to do that I observed was react and defend. Why do we so much feel the need to hold onto our stories? I mean, it is almost as much of a risk to answer the questions as it is to ask them. Growth is funny.
I actually had people say that they were going to say that something I should stop dong is defending myself or reacting to advice. Interesting. They of course said this after I said, "I notice that my first tendency is to want to explain myself." Still funny.
Anyway, I have found this an interesting experiment in growth.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Should I enjoy taking risk?
Should I appreciate the opportunities for growth that taking risks allows?
The thing is, it feels like I am being pulled in two directions as I move to take this newest risk. I feel the pull towards incredible opportunity and I feel the pull towards falling on my face.
The idea is sound. I can see potential windfalls and expansion. I can help a lot of people and give them what they want: an opportunity to transform their life and slow, stop and reverse their rate of aging. Unfortunately, I can also see the other end of risk; the downfall.
So here I am. Again. I must trust my initial intuition that this is a good move and conclude that all of the other stuff is based on my upbringing, beliefs and fear. Nothing new.
Now, if I could only just learn to enjoy it.
Monday, January 7, 2008
New email Launched
One of the function of the program is that I get to see everyone who opens the email, who forwards it and who opts out. It was sad to see some of my older clientele go, but I am focusing on the positive. One person actually emailed me and said "it is a privilege to be on your email list." Wow! I was touched. Thank you.
Here is a recent picture of Evan, our future little chiropractor.
It does a daddy proud.
Be well and I'll try to stay on top of this more.