Earlier this week I was inspired to completely give away my services for the week as a "Gift of Love." The truth is that I am operating at a financial low right now, but something drew me to do this. So I acted on faith.
I did not know what to expect in doing this. I still don't know what will happen. But I have received some emails back from this offer and one really hit me. I have not cried like this since Evan was born and Mojo's passing. Here is what he wrote...
You are AWESOME! Your email put a smile on my face. Thanks for spreading the love and know that you are loved as well."
It still gets me.
I think that my biggest issue as late is hidden in my reaction to this letter. The "know that you are loved as well" part hit me. I think that I have been feeling unloved. I believe that this sets up an energy of neediness. Who wants to be around someone who is needy?
Another way of putting "feeling unloved" is feeling disconnected from God. If God is love, as I believe, and I am feeling unloved, then I am disconnected form God. No wonder it has felt like I have been building this business on my own. No wonder it has felt like I am burdening the load on my own. No wonder why my practice has not been fully realized. I have not been filling myself up with love.
I have a lot to be grateful for. I have a lot of love in my life.

"We don't see the world as it is. We see the world as we are." - Anais Nin
I now commit to loving myself. I now commit to recognizing the love in my life and really giving myself a chance to feel it. I now commit to being grateful for all of life.
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