I was thinking the other day about what I really liked to do as a child. I can remember that I was really into creating and expressing. I remember writing a book with a friend when I think we were about 7. It was the story of a haunted house. I sang a lot growing up and took up guitar at age 10. Guitar for me has always been a creative outlet. I never really learned many songs in the last 30 years or so. I just play. Writing has become like this for me now, only with a little more structure than when I am playing an instrument.
One thing I remember vividly is how I used to stare at the ceiling and focus on the stucco. Forms would turn into pictures. This was always interesting to me and I never really knew what it meant or if there was any really meaning to it at all. That was until I went on a walk about 10 years or so ago with a Native American mentor of mine. During that time of just getting away from the city and all of my worries this ability became very pronounced. At night while the group sat around the fire, we would take turns talking. As each one spoke, the coals in the fire would transform. I realized that the coals were mirroring the person that was talking. For instance, when Barbara would speak, the coals transformed to show me Mojo, our dog, looking up at her. When another person spoke, I noticed a crow in the coals, this person's power animal.
When I came back to practice, this "gift" would continue for several weeks. While working with a practice member, I would look outside for clues as to how I could help them. I would see the leaves in the trees, or an animal run by, or bark sending me "visions". It's actually really neat to see them clearly as opposed to following the gut like I usually do.
Anyway, the point of these ramblings to express the joy of writing. Thank you for allowing me to be a channel and to share my experiences.
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