Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Developing Your Health Team
She jokingly said, "chemo haircut." I smiled that uncomfortable smile. The one you smile after you put your foot in your mouth. She said that she had been wearing a wig lately, but now she has "come out" and let everyone know that she had cancer.
I instantly wanted to help her even more than before. I had talked at our group before and she showed an interest in coming in. So I talked to her about this...
She said that she had been to a chiropractor "for the fun of it" and it felt great after being "cracked." She went on to say that she would go with her husband, who had the "back problems."
I let her know that usually when someone develops cancer it is the body's way of letting them know that something has to change. Cancer is an effect of something that they are doing and have been doing in life.
She said that she was eating better and exercising, but the stress levels haven't come down yet.
I explained that this is what chiropractic care is really great at. I said, "Do you remember when you went to the chiropractor "for the fun of it" and you felt great afterwards?" This is because you felt the stress levels drop.
She said that she would refer her husband to me.
After this conversation, I began to think about a few things. I do this after I realize that I did not get through to someone that I wanted to help. Here is the most important thing that I uncovered...
When one develops cancer, or any major disease, one usually surrounds themselves with a team of experts that specialize in helping to eliminate cancer and avoid cancer in the future. These are the cancer fighters. The anti-cancer team.
This is a team based in fear and avoidance. We don't want this or we want to get rid of this.
In my studies of the law of attraction, I see a flaw in this thinking. According to the law of attraction, what you think about the most comes about. How can anyone get rid of something that they are focused on with a lot of emotion?
I know what you are thinking, but it's "I don't want cancer. I am thinking about not wanting cancer."
Here is the sucky part about the law of attraction... Not wanting something attracts the same as wanting something. When you put a "I don't want it" vibration into the Universe. The Universe, wanting to give you everything you ask for, brings to you more opportunities to "not want" the something you don't want. You may want to read that a few times and let it sink in.
Here's my point. I completely understand why someone would want to surround themselves with a team of people who are expert in fighting something. However, it is really important to also have a team of health experts that help you to focus on your health future.
When someone comes to me, it is my purpose to help them to shift their focus towards developing health. In shifting this focus and helping them to get excited about this new direction that they are traveling, they transform. Here is a truth... The vibration of disease does not resonate with the vibration of health.
Notice the difference in these statements...
I want to avoid cancer and heart disease. I want to experience new levels of health from now to past 100.
I just don't want to be sick. I want to experience incredible energy and stamina.
I just don't want to be ugly. I want to be beautiful.
I just don't want to be poor. I want to be rich.
Get it?
I am very blessed to have a handful of clients who understand this point. They utilize my expertise as a health expert and allow me to guide them to habits that serve their health development.
Sure, I still work with the majority of clientèle that is focused on relief. However, I do my best to nudge them towards health development as opposed to symptomatic relief.
Would you rather be motivated by desperation or inspiration?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Living a Life of Meaning

Let's look at the definition...
1. Something that is conveyed or signified; sense or significance.
2. Something that one wishes to convey, especially by language.
3. An interpreted goal, intent, or end.
4. Inner significance.
How I am now reading this is that living a life of meaning is living a life of Inner Significance.
The question is, How do you develop inner significance? How does one feel inner significance? Where does inner significance come from?
This is obviously a personal thing. It will be different for everyone.
Okay, now how do we know our meaning (perspective) is significant?“There is not one big cosmic meaning for all, there is only the meaning we each give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot, like an individual novel, a book for each person.”
Anais Nin
I'm starting to get it. Significance comes from our truth. Our truth. In order for us to live a life of meaning, we must know our truth and express that truth onto the world. This leads to the questions, Who are you really? What is your truth?“The only significance of life consists in helping to establish the kingdom of God; and this can be done only by means of the acknowledgment and profession of the truth by each one of us.”
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Another quote comes to mind...
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?'
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us.
And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Maryanne Williamson
"We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us... We let our own light shine."
So, living a life of meaning, a life of inner significance, is about bringing forth the glory of God that is within us. It is about shining that which we are from within.
It is that feeling that we are not shining who we are that creates a great deal of stress in our lives. It is living someone else's idea of who we should be that creates a lot of stress in our lives. It is when we go against who we really are that we hurt ourselves.
Does an oak tree try to be anything else but an oak tree? No. It is true to itself.
Does it try to be anything the oak tree that it is or compare itself with other trees? No. It is happy expressing itself. It is content with the life that it leads.
So, a life of meaning comes from knowing ourselves and expressing ourselves. Shining who we really are.
"How do I do this?," you may ask. Ah. This is the most important question. How do you know yourself? What is your purpose?
First, what is your purpose? Here we go... Your purpose is whatever you want it to be. Find something you are passionate about and go for it!
Next, how do you know yourself? You can know yourself by knowing your purpose. If you are pursuing your purpose with passion and joy, you are on the right track. (By the way, there is no wrong track). This passion and joy is you shining. You are meant to shine.
Living a life of meaning is you living in passion and joy. This adds great significance to the world because you are leading the way. Can you imagine a world filled with people living in passion and joy?
I can only imagine that that is what heaven really is.
Monday, March 24, 2008
My little girl
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Evan's First Trip to the BIG City
Evan Dances!
She dances!
She also sticks her tongue out. This is a habit she unfortunately inherited from me.
She likes rock music most of all. Whenever music comes on, she dances. Very cool and very cute!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Amazing - Form Follows Energy - Proven
Before you were born, before you were even fertilized, you were telling the Universe exactly how you would become a human being. You expressed an electrical field of the shape that you would become even before conception. The blueprint of what you would grow into was already set into motion. Form followed energy. Amazing!
In the 1930's, Harold Burr, a neuro-anatomist at Yale, measured the electrical field around an unfertilized salamander egg and found that it was shaped like a mature salamander. As if a blueprint for the adult was already in the eggs energy field. The electrical axis that would later become the brain and the spinal cord was already there in the unfertilized egg as measured by a vacuum tube voltmeter.
Form follows energy. Thoughts become things. You still project your energy field out into the universe. This energy filed is the template of what you are creating. As you hold your thoughts and emotions on what it is that you want, an energy field extends out into the universe. Eventually, it takes form and becomes. Your intention manifests.
This works perfectly and cleanly, as long as there is no interference. Imagine how wonderful to cleanly manifest all that you want. Realize how tough it is when th is interference.
Here is an example of interference. Do you remember thalidomide? Medical doctors prescribed this drug to help moms to be cope with morning sickness better. Unfortunately, they did not realize that it was interfering with the developing fetus. Many of the babies did not make it. They died. Others came out with malformed arms and/or legs. Interference can alter your electrical projection and hence alter your physical world.
The new technique that I am using helps to remove interference in this energy field. It gives you clarity and focus. The more clear and focused your energy field is, the more miraculous your life becomes. Sign up for an appointment today and experience the power that you posses.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Get What You Want, Now!
Imagine getting a picture of what you want in your mind and having it almost magically come to you. This is really how it is meant to be, once you are ready to allow it into your life. How do you streamline this allowing so it opens up almost like turning on a fire hose?
We'll get to that. But first, you're about to understand the way "it" works.

You are living your life in a trance. We all do. This trance is based on our beliefs and ideas of how things are. It actually becomes a neurological pattern that we are locked into. Yoram Wind and Colin Crook call it a "Mental Model" in their book, The Power of Impossible Thinking. Sorry to break this news to you, but now that you know, you can break free of it. Read on.
You have decided that you want something. You get a clear picture and you hold it up to your "Mental Model." In order for you to get what you want, you must shift your mental model to allow it to come into your life. Guess which system of the body holds your mental model? That's right, your nerve system. More on that soon. First, let's go over what usually shifts your mental model.
Someone once said that we shift because of the people we meet and the books we read. I believe this (plus one more that's coming). So we attract to us the people and the books necessary for us to have the opportunity to shift out of our trance or mental model and create the right frame of mind to allow us to have what we want. Here is where it gets really interesting.
The theory of how "it" works that will transform your life.
You decide you want something. You get a clear picture and feeling of what you want as if you already have it. Your mind holds this picture or structure up against your current mental model. If it fits within the frame of your current mental model, you get what you want really fast. However, if it does not fit, your mental model must shift to allow it to manifest. How, you might wonder?
Here's the magic.
This incongruency between your wanted picture and the mental model that you are working with creates an energy. This energy is like a magnet to the Universe and attracts exactly what you need to shift your Mental Model. In other words, the people and the books you need to cause you to change and become aligned with what you want are attracted to you. Now for the surprise.
Another word for this "energy" is SUBLUXATION.
One of the techniques that we now offer in the office is designed to shift your mental model by accessing this energy and dispelling it. What this means is that you no longer have to go through the time (and sometimes pain) of attract the people and books to shift you. The adjustment shifts your mental model to align with what you want. What you want then is attracted more easily towards you, and you allow it to come in. Like magic!
Now is a good time to pick up the phone and make an appointment.
Just imagine, you focus on what you want and as you are adjusted, you instantly shift to allow it to come into your life. How cool! Life transformation at the click of an instrument. Woo Hoo!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
3 Big Lies That Are Holding Your Health Hostage
Just think about it, in just a few minutes, you will know the 3 biggest lies that are holding your health hostage!
So let's get to it.
The first big lie: Your genes are responsible for your health.
If you're thinking, "Well of course that's true," you know that even a smart person like yourself can be led by false information. Let me explain...
Several years ago we were told that 75% of all diseases are genetically based. Now, a recent Harvard study says it's 25%. I am sure that eventually it will be down to 3% or so. This is why...
When you look at genes and study them, you will find that they have not changed much in 40,000 years. That's a long time. Really think about it; your genes are perfect. They are responding to your environment to either produce health and healing in your body or help you survive a threat.
The question is, "Did the hunter-gatherers of 40,000 years ago develop heart disease, diabetes and cancer?" The answer is, no, no and very rarely. If the Hunter-Gatherer did not die early from trauma, they lived a long, healthy, productive life.
The Truth:
You do not get sick because of your genes. Even if your mother had cancer and your sister had cancer, it does not mean that you will have cancer. Even if your grandfather and father died of a heart attack, it does not mean that you will die of a heart attack.
The second big lie: You're sick because you are unlucky.
I remember paging through a Physician's Desk Reference book while I was in chiropractic school. You know, this is the book that has every disease known to man in it. The thing that was amazing is that there is very rarely a known cause of a disease. In fact, they have a fancy name for this: idiopathic. Isaac Asimov called idiopathic "A high-flow term to conceal ignorance." In the television show House, the lead character remarks that the word "comes from the Latin, meaning 'we're idiots, because we don't know what's causing it.'"
The Truth:
You do not get sick because you are unlucky. Just because they don't know what caused a disease does not mean that you are just unlucky.
The third big lie: Don't worry, we are developing the magic pill.
Do you really believe that there will be a magic pill? How many years have they been looking for the cure for cancer? Did you know that the big solution they have for cancer right now is early detection?
When you look at the statistics, they are now detecting cancer around 2 years earlier than they used to. In fact, 5 year survival rate for cancer has improved dramatically. But guess what, 7 year survival rate has plummeted. So yes, they discover it earlier and treat you with chemotherapy and radiation for a longer period of time before you die, because they detected it earlier. However, people are still living generally the same amount of time.
Please understand that I know that there are a lot of cancer survivors out there that may be a little put off by these statement. Read on and you will understand that the focus of this little piece is to empower you and your upcoming generations so that they are not made victims of these lies.
The Truth:
There is no magic pill. There never will be.
So those are 3 of the biggest lies that are holding your health hostage. Did you notice what they have in common? I'm sure that you are wondering that right now. Let's take a look at them right now.
You're sick because of your genes.
You're sick because you are unlucky.
Don't worry, we're developing a magic pill that will take care of everything.
If you were to believe these statements, then you have absolutely no power over your own health. Your health is in someone else's hands.
So, how do you take control of your health? How do you know the steps to take? Is there a secret recipe for health and longevity? These are the questions that I answer in my new book, Youth from Within. This book will fill you with total empowerment so you can know once and for all how to be healthy and live a long, quality life. You won't be lied to anymore!
Here is a tip that you can use right now. Remember how science has determined that your genes have not changed much in 40,000 years? One of the main keys to eating healthy is to eat like a Hunter-Gatherer ate. Did the Hunter Gatherer eat organic fruits and vegetables? Did they eat organic nuts and berries? Did they eat grass fed, free range meats? Did they eat fresh fish? What should you eat to have optimum health? Right. Just like your Hunter-Gatherer ancestor.
The first section Youth from Within is yours to read for free. This is my gift to you and just this alone will begin to shift you to total health and wellbeing. The website is coming soon, but until then, you can email me for your copy at
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What I Like
So, in this vein, I will brainstorm out what I like...
- Writing
- Watching my daughter learn new things
- Discovering new things
- Adjusting my Practice Members
- Making a large deposit of money
- Creating
- Seeing Evan Smile
- Hearing Evan Laugh
- Making love to my wife
- Hugging my dogs
- Playing Disc Golf
- Looking at the scenery with Evan
- Seeing my wife smile
- Hearing my wife sing to Evan
- Watching T.V.
- Working with my coach
- Looking at my daughter's blog
- Reading
- Coming to new understandings
- Philosophical discussions
- Teaching
When I look at the list, I notice some commonalities. I see creating, discovering, joy and love. That's fairly accurate.
I love to create and discover.
Love and joy are really what life is about.
So what I really want is more to love, more joy, more creating and discovery.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Glow with Inspiration
I don't want to sell anymore. It feels like my practice life and writings have become more about selling. Now there is nothing wrong with selling, however, I want to inspire people and light their fire. I want people to glow with inspiration and make decisions based on that. Maybe it is still selling, but it just feels better.
I use my heart.
I use my hands.
I use my light.
I use my love.
These are really my keys of helping people. I shouldn't have to sell this, but to find people who are inspired by this, that's what I want.
I have been really focusing on expansion lately. I have been looking at the world, my practice, and myself, as being under the process of Becoming. I

This is really what I offer. Opportunity for Greatness in your own way. Clearing the path, clearing the gook so that your vision may be clear again. So your channels with your higher self, God, or whatever you believe, are opened within your awareness. So that you may unfold your special Greatness... Inspiring.
If you were to glow with this kind of inspiration, what could you do?
If we were to open the channels to the Greatness within, what would you do?
(I'm getting chills.)
To have a clear channel to the Best within you, to really know this Part of You, what could You become?
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Dr. Dale Experience

Now, one is not better than the other. They both have benefits and they actually both overlap a bit. An artist has some custom-songwriter-for-hire qualities and a custom-songwriter-for-hire has some artist qualities. The thing is, I see this in my work as well.
I have been a custom-healer-for-hire, who specializes in restoring function to the body. I have really helped a lot of people in this way. People with back pain, hand problems, neck problems, digestive problems, etc., etc., have all been helped.
What my work has evolved into is artistry. My focus has become expansion of the soul. With this comes restoring of health and function, but my focus is bigger. What I am doing is creating an experience where I used to create an event.

If you have not heard Graceland, here is a little bit about it. Paul Simon heard a tape of some interesting music while he was having a very hard time in his life. He eventually fell in love with this sound and had the record company track down where the people on this tape were. He found out that they were in South Africa. He decided to go to South Africa and record some music. When he arrived, it was the height of apartheid and the black community was not treated well. But what he heard was amazing music and he began forming jam sessions to capture it.
He recorded and jammed with these performers for months. The record companies did not understand what he was doing at all. There were no songs. Usually when an artist goes into a recording studio, they go in with songs. What Paul was doing was totally unorthodox.
One thing that Paul Simon said struck me. He said, "I decided not to focus on the terrible conditions of the Africans and the bad treatment of the people. I decided to focus on the beauty."
Why this was interesting to me is that I don't like to focus on the pain and symptoms that people come in with. I like to focus on the beauty of the individual and I work to bring self-awareness of this to them.
Back to the story...
So Paul Simon returns home with this incredible African music jam sessions and begins to cut and paste these together to form songs. He gets to the part where he has an entire album of music and he is so blown away with the music, that he is afraid to put words to it. If you don't know who Paul Simon is, he is one of the greatest song writers of our time and he is afraid to write.
Anyway, he starts to work with the music and sing along and it all comes together. He completes the record and it sounds like nothing that has ever been produced in pop recording (or any recording). Now it came time to present it to the record execs. They had no idea what they would say. It was SO different.
Philip Glass, a friend of Paul Simon's and composer, put it this way...
"You have to have the confidence in the work to carry it right through to the end. Even though in point of fact, you don't really know (what the end will bring). That was especially true for Graceland."
The execs listened to it and really did not know what to do. Needless to say, they released it and it became one of the best records of all time. It won the Grammy for best album of the year and the rest is history. Now I get to watch Evan dance to that amazing music that has never been duplicated since.
What I learned is this. When someone comes to me for my help, my work has evolved to the point that, I am no longer focused primarily on what got them in the door. I am focused on how can I give them an experience that will expand their soul? How can I help them to experience the beauty of their beingness? How can I help them express their beauty within and sing their special song?
My work is unorthodox. My work is an experience. If you go with it and let go, your life will transform and expand. Your experience of life will expand. Life will grow from you. You will awaken to the beauty of it all. Oh, and your symptoms will go away.
"One of the really good things about art is that it shouldn't be there to educate. It should be there to evoke." - Linda Ronstadt

What I do is an experience. I can't really explain it. I don't even know where it will lead us. What I do know is that I have confidence in the work, and if you hold on and open up to the possibilities, your life will transform and open up to beauty. This is my gift and I am grateful. It is the Dr. Dale Experience.