I know that chiropractic is about more than pain relief.
Those of us who have had the good fortune to get chiropractic care on a regular basis realize that it keeps us healthier, happier, and better able to handle the stresses of life. Sure, we still experience injuries and soreness on occasion. This is normal. But we know that chiropractic keeps our systems working efficiently so that we heal correctly.
Many people, even those who recognize the benefits of chiropractic wellness care for themselves, don’t think it has anything to offer children. They go back to the idea of pain relief, particularly back pain, and assume that their child has no pain to alleviate.
I know that even at four months, Evan has had subluxations. The birth process, being held and passed from person to person, riding in the car and stroller, and exercising new wobbly muscles, all can cause subluxations. Soon she’ll be sitting up (and falling), crawling (and bumping into things), walking (and falling some more). Chiropractic care will keep her free from the problems that can develop when these subluxations go uncared for into adulthood. Her nervous system, and therefore her entire body, will grow without interference.
We also know that chiropractic care keeps the immune system functioning better. Evan will have fewer colds, ear infections, and other common childhood ailments. When she does get sick, she will heal faster than her peers without chiropractic care.
She will learn the “natural first” philosophy.
Evan will learn that the body does what it needs to do to fight disease and get healthy. A cough has a purpose. Diarrhea has a purpose. Vomiting, rashes, and fever, too. These “symptoms” that sometimes make us feel awful are the body’s way of fighting those foreign things that don’t belong in us. We help the body fight these things naturally first. Medicine has its place, but if it’s only to cover up symptoms that can actually delay the healing process, it’s not worth it. By dealing with it naturally, we learn and reinforce the idea that the body can, and does, heal. We get stronger in the process. And this is a valuable lesson to teach our children.
We, and our children, are bombarded by the media and conventional thinking that there’s a pill for every symptom. I’m sure you’ve noticed the advertisements of happy people on some sort of drug, and it’s not even clear what the drug is actually for. But the people sure do look happy! For many children, there has been a constant stream of drugs, beginning with antibiotics, cough medicine, cold medicine, behavior medicine… And it is no wonder that teens begin experimenting with illegal drugs. There is no clear line between illicit and prescription drugs. The message is the same: Take this drug and you’ll feel better. Our daughter will grow up knowing that her body is a magnificent, self-healing, self-regulating instrument to be treated with care.
She’ll avoid the common problems that adults face.
Just ask Dr. Ellwein. Many, many issues that bring people into a chiropractic office are not new injuries. Some of them have been going on since childhood. That time you fell off of your bike? Tripped over something? Ran into something? Rough-housed with a friend? Fought with a sibling? Played sports? Carried a heavy backpack? When we’re kids, our healing mechanisms work pretty fast. The body compensates for injuries quickly, and we easily forget them. Then we come in for care as adults with health issues, and they take a long time to handle. Chiropractic kids like Evan will heal more quickly and, as adults, will be spared from many of the challenges their parents faced.
She will also learn the value of taking care of oneself. So often we as adults get caught up in the day-to-day details and lose sight of the big picture. We forget to take care of ourselves until a health crisis gets our attention by interfering with our lives. Chiropractic is an important part of making one’s health a priority, deserving regular attention, even when we “feel fine.” I want my daughter to thrive, to enjoy and appreciate life, not just survive and get by.
Chiropractic is Safe
A chiropractic adjustment for a child looks much different than one for an adult. Adjustments are performed using about the same amount of pressure that you would use to check the ripeness of a tomato. Because they don’t have all of the muscle tension accompanying subluxations that adults do, the adjustment is extremely gentle and very effective. Chiropractic is a natural, non-invasive health care system whose safety record cannot be beat. I am so glad that chiropractic is Evan’s primary form of health care, from before birth, and that she is on her way to a strong, happy, healthy life.
Because I Care
I care about your children, and I want your children to get all of the advantages of chiropractic care too. I have asked Dr. Ellwein to offer a checkup for your children, and their first adjustment, for free throughout the month of July. Please take advantage of this generous offer and make an appointment soon. We’d love to see you.
Standing Tall Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Center
3436 N. Verdugo Rd., Suite 250
Glendale, CA 91208
818-249-WELL (9355)