Monday, December 26, 2016

The Gap Technique

If you could use the power of your nervous system to get what you want next year, would you do it?

Okay.  It's a trick question, because we use our nervous system for everything.  But if you could align yourself and your nerve system to your desires into the next year, would you do it?

What keeps you from achieving everything you want in life, for the most part, is you.  My main goal for you is to get you to where you want to go.  If this is your health, being pain free, a new job, a new significant other, a new achievement, I'm 100% behind you.  This is why my bookshelves are full of self-help books that I have read and you can borrow.  This is why my books are written the way they are.  This is why I developed the "Gap Technique".

One thing that I have discovered over these many years of research is that in order to achieve something you want in life, you must BE the person who can achieve it.  The formula goes like this...


BE - Who you are.

DO - What you do.

HAVE - What you get.

The "Gap Technique" is about visualizing yourself as having what you want, and then aligning who you are now with that vision of you in the future.  By achieving this, you more naturally DO what is necessary to HAVE what you want.  Also, according to the law of attraction, you more easily attract what you want into your life.

On January 7, we will be having a very special workshop that will include the "Gap Technique".  We will begin at 12:30 and go until 3.  We will begin by explaining the technique more clearly.  Then we will clarify your vision.  Finally, we will do the technique.

I am limiting this workshop to nine people.  The charge is $100.

The Gap
You may be wondering why I do not always do this technique with you.  The truth is, it takes a lot out of me.  I have not figured out how to avoid this. Also, the "Gap Technique" is in quotes, because it is a working title of the technique.

Please call and reserve your spot today.

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