Monday, December 26, 2016

The Gap Technique

If you could use the power of your nervous system to get what you want next year, would you do it?

Okay.  It's a trick question, because we use our nervous system for everything.  But if you could align yourself and your nerve system to your desires into the next year, would you do it?

What keeps you from achieving everything you want in life, for the most part, is you.  My main goal for you is to get you to where you want to go.  If this is your health, being pain free, a new job, a new significant other, a new achievement, I'm 100% behind you.  This is why my bookshelves are full of self-help books that I have read and you can borrow.  This is why my books are written the way they are.  This is why I developed the "Gap Technique".

One thing that I have discovered over these many years of research is that in order to achieve something you want in life, you must BE the person who can achieve it.  The formula goes like this...


BE - Who you are.

DO - What you do.

HAVE - What you get.

The "Gap Technique" is about visualizing yourself as having what you want, and then aligning who you are now with that vision of you in the future.  By achieving this, you more naturally DO what is necessary to HAVE what you want.  Also, according to the law of attraction, you more easily attract what you want into your life.

On January 7, we will be having a very special workshop that will include the "Gap Technique".  We will begin at 12:30 and go until 3.  We will begin by explaining the technique more clearly.  Then we will clarify your vision.  Finally, we will do the technique.

I am limiting this workshop to nine people.  The charge is $100.

The Gap
You may be wondering why I do not always do this technique with you.  The truth is, it takes a lot out of me.  I have not figured out how to avoid this. Also, the "Gap Technique" is in quotes, because it is a working title of the technique.

Please call and reserve your spot today.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Change Is Easier with Chiropractic

Most of us would like to change something in our lives, or something about ourselves.  We will try again and again, set our resolutions and commence to fail.  Let’s face it, changing can be tough!  Here’s the good news: it does not have to be.

To understand change, we must understand the nervous system.  We live our lives through our nervous system.  We hear, we see, we react, we behave, we move, we love, we hate, we experience everything with our nervous system.  This is where we store who we are and express who we are.  This is where our behaviors and habits are formed and locked in.  By the way, it is our habits that define who we are.  When we talk about change, we are ultimately talking about changing our habits.

So where do our habits exist, and more importantly, how can we change our habits more easily?  To get to the answer to these questions, let’s look into some anatomy…

The important parts of your body are protected by bone.  The most important are surrounded by bone.  Take your brain, for instance, it is completely covered in bone.  Your skull is there to protect your brain by encasing it.  The next most important in your body is your spinal cord.  Once again, it is completely covered in bone.  The spine is so integrated into your nerve system, that in order to have a normal, healthy functioning nerve system, you need a normal, healthy functioning spine.  One of the main problems that can happen to disrupt your nerve system is subluxation. 

Subluxations most commonly happen when there is trauma to the spine.  The trauma causes damage to the soft tissue around the spinal joints, which then swell, putting pressure on the nerves.  In an attempt to heal the injury, your body lays down scar tissue.  This scar tissue binds the area and disrupts the function on the spine.  Remember: To have a normal, healthy functioning nerve system, you need a normal, healthy functioning spine.  When subluxation happens, your nerve system cannot function correctly, and you get stuck.

If your spine is stuck, you are stuck.  Being stuck makes it very difficult to change.

Here is the good news… I am here to correct subluxation.  It’s what chiropractors do.  By getting your spine moving again, your nerve system function is restored, health returns, and you can more easily change.

By the way, I’ve taken change even farther.  I’ve developed a technique that helps tune you into the life you wish to have.  By doing so, you can more easily attract this life and manifest your dreams.

If what I just wrote is a little too far out for you, no worries.  Just know that I can help you with breaking habits and changing.  If what I just wrote perked up your ears, I have a special class coming up just for you.

Capturing Your Best Year So Far

Saturday, January 7
12:30 – 3 pm
Standing Tall Chiropractic

This class will start with an explanation or the “Gap Technique” that I have developed.  After this, we will help you define and get a vision for how you want your new year to be.  Finally, using the “Gap Technique,” we will tune you into that vision.  Then the magic happens!

Space is limited to 9, so if you are drawn to this event, put down your deposit to reserve you place.

Price: $100

Monday, December 12, 2016

How the Flu of 1918 Saved Chiropractic

In 1918, chiropractic was in its infancy.  Having started in 1895 in Davenport, Iowa, it was still under 25 years old.  Chiropractic was still illegal to practice in most states.  Then the flu came along.

The Flu of 1918 was considered one of the most devastating in history.  It is estimated that between 20 and 40 million people died worldwide, of which 675,000 Americans lost their lives to the flu.

So what does this have to do with chiropractic?  Here are the statistics...

In Davenport, Iowa 50 medical doctors cared for 4,953 cases with 274 deaths. Also in Davenport, 150 chiropractors saw 1,635 cases with only one death. In the state of Iowa, medical doctors treated 93,590 patients, with 6,116 deaths, a loss of one patient out of every 15. In the same state, excluding Davenport, 4,735 patients were seen by chiropractors with a loss of only six patients – a loss of one patient out of every 789.

National figures show that 1,142 chiropractors cared for 46,394 for influenza during 1918, with a loss of 54 patients – one out of every 859. In New York City, 950 out of 10,000 cases died with medical methods while 25 out of 10,000 died using drugless methods.

Yes, the medical profession was seeing a majority of the worst of the worst; however, one of the greatest statistics backing chiropractic care comes from the state of Oklahoma. There were 233 cases in which the medical doctors had cared for patients and eventually pronounced them as “lost” or beyond hope… chiropractors took care of all 233 with only 25 deaths.

The flu saved chiropractic because of the large influx of new practitioners whose lives were saved by chiropractic.  This was the generation of chiropractors who fought for chiropractic state licensing and even went to jail in protest for being arrested for practicing chiropractic without a license.

Understand, stress in 1918 was much different than the stresses of today.  In order to get the amazing results of the people saved from the flu in those days, you must improve your lifestyle, as well as get adjusted.  This will all be covered in the Bulletproof Your Immune System Workshop this Wednesday. 

Bulletproof Your Immune System
Standing Tall Chiropractic
Wednesday, December 14
6:45 PM

3436 N Verdugo Rd, Suite 250
Glendale, CA 91208

Call to reserve your spot

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Adjustments and Your Immune System

Enhanced Phagocytic Cell respiratory Burst Induced by Spinal Manipulation. JMPT 1991:14:399-408.

This study was designed to measure the effect that a Chiropractic adjustment has on the immune system. Blood was taken from each of the patients 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the adjustment. These results were compared to patient’s blood test who received a sham (pretend) adjustment. The immune response from subjects who received the adjustment was significantly higher after than before treatment, and significantly higher than the response from the sham subjects.

Patients who come in with colds, sore throats, sinus congestion and stomach viruses often remark that their recovery seems to be accelerated by the chiropractic adjustment. Recent scientific developments now lend support to the idea that Chiropractic correction of the subluxation can aid the immune responses of the body by reducing nerve interference.

This is one of the most exciting areas of chiropractic. More and more research is pointing to an immune system enhancement effect of the spinal adjustment.