Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Hope of Humanity: Shifting to Wellness, Part 4

The Real Hope for Humanity

It all comes down to this… Lifestyle.

If you want to live a long healthy life, you must adopt a lifestyle that supports a long healthy life. If you want to be healthy, you must live a lifestyle that supports health.

How you live your life determines your health.

What exactly is the best lifestyle for living a long healthy life? Now we’ve arrived at the big question.

Honestly, I could write a book on this, however let’s stop and cover the basics.

There are 5 key areas of health. If you miss even one of these, you have lost. They are not in any particular order of importance because they are all important. As we go through these, you will learn more than most of the medical doctors, nutritionist and exercise gurus out there. You will become so empowered that you will set a goal to climb a mountain, and you’ll do it! Here we go…

The First Key to Health - What You Eat

This is probably the biggest hyped of all of the keys. Everyone has an opinion. After we cover this section, you will look at the food pyramid and just shake your head.

To really figure this out, we must ask the right questions… Here they are… What must a person eat to be healthy? What must a person avoid in order to stay healthy? In other words, what do our bodies require and what is toxic to our bodies that we must avoid?

How is the best way to answer this?

Let’s look at our genes.

Our genes have not changed much in 40,000 years.

Our bodies are designed to be healthy. Honestly, there are no scientific experiments that prove otherwise. So for now, let’s just assume this to be completely true.

If our bodies are designed to be healthy, and our genes (the blue print of our bodies), have not changed much in 40,000 years, then let’s look at our diets from 40,000 years ago.

40,000 years ago, we were hunter-gatherers. What did hunter-gatherers eat?

Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
Fresh, clean water
Free-range, organic meats
Fresh fish

Get the picture?

So if you want to be your absolute healthiest, what should you eat?
Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
Fresh, clean water
Free-range, organic meats
Fresh fish

The Unfortunate Need for Supplementation

Unfortunately, the earth has changed a bit since the hunter-gatherer times. This means that some supplementation is now necessary for health. There are only 3 supplements that you are required for overall health.

1) A really good multi-vitamin

According to Nutrisearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, 4th edition, these are the top 4 multivitamins on the market…
Creating Wellness Vitalize (in Men’s, Women’s and Senior Women’s formulas)
Douglas Laboratories Ultra Preventative (IX and X)
Truestar Health TrueBASIC
USANA Health Science Essentials

Why? It is no secret that our soils have been somewhat depleted of nutrients over the past centuries of farming. This requires supplementation.

2) A really good fish oil
Why? Free-range meats and fish have a very high percentage of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in them. These days, the meat that we eat is highly depleted of this essential ingredient to our health and if we ate enough fish to get our supply, we would glow with mercury poisoning.
My favorite fish oil comes from Innate Choice. It’s called Omega Sufficiency.

Note: Not all fish oils are the same. They do go rancid and they are often chemically altered. If it smells funny or tastes bad, throw it out!

3) A really good probiotic
What are probiotics? These are the bacteria that naturally live in our bodies. You have 10,000,000,000 cells that make up your body. You have 100,000,000,000 bacteria living inside you. This is a good thing when they are the good bacteria.

You can tell the health of the soil by the bugs it contains. We are all just animated soil.
Your bacteria are your first line of defense against yeast and bad bacteria. They actually form a barrier against the bad ones.

In hunter-gatherer days we ate a lot of good bacteria. We would get it from the dirt on our food.
My favorite 3 probiotics are…
Innate Choice’s Probiotic Sufficiency
Metagenic’s Ultra Flora DF
Garden of Life’s Primal Defense

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