You see, in order to grow, you must get outside of your comfort zone. This is by definition uncomfortable. It's scary, but this is where the juiciness of life is.
The picture on the right was sent to me by Barbara. She sent this after having a total freak out. She was so stressed out about the trip that she accidently left one day earlier than planned. I reminded her that these "mistakes" make the best stories in life.
I am so proud of her and this accomplishment.
When was the last time that you did something that scared you? When was the last time you really stretched yourself?
Here are a few suggestions that may help you.
1) Keep getting your spine checked and adjusted regularly. We live our lives through our nervous system. Our spine is so integrated into our nerve system that if you want a normal functioning nerve system, you need a normal function spine. Without chiropractic care, the spine starts to get stiff and stuck. When this happens, you get stiff and stuck in life. Freeing up the spine frees you up to change.
2) Recognize that you have to get uncomfortable to experience growth. Feel free to copy my wife's drawing because it sure helped her cope.
3) Keep the end in sight. If you know what your outcome is, it makes it seem more worth it to stretch yourself into it. In other words, get a big "why" you are doing it, and the pain from the growth will be worth it.